Newspapers and magazines
Our libraries have current local and regional newspapers for you to enjoy as well as a wide range of magazines.

Newspapers in the library
Paraparaumu Library
You may read the following newspapers at Paraparaumu Library. The most recent copies are on the ground floor newspaper stand, with the previous months' papers kept in the drawers below. To view earlier copies please ask a librarian.
Kāpiti Observer | July 1950 - most recent copy (pre 1970 on microfilm only) |
Kāpiti News | July 1999 - the most recent copy |
Ōtaki Mail | April 1991 - the most recent copy |
The Dominion Post | previous month and current month |
Sunday Star Times | most recent copy |
Horowhenua Chronicle | previous 4 months and current month |
Ōtaki Today | September 2018 to most recent |
Waikanae Library
Kāpiti Observer | most recent copy |
Kāpiti News | most recent copy |
Ōtaki Library
Horowhenua Chronicle | previous 3 months and current month |
Kāpiti News | previous 12 months and current month |
Kāpiti Observer | previous 12 months and current month |
Ōtaki Mail | previous 12 months and current month |
The Dominion Post Ōtaki Today |
previous 3 months and current month from September 2018 |
Paekākāriki Library
The Dominion Post | the most recent weekend edition |
Newspaper archives
In addition to the Kāpiti Observer, Kāpiti News and Ōtaki Mail, the Paraparaumu Library has archived copies of the following historical Kāpiti newspapers. To view these papers, please ask at the library.
Paekākāriki Gazette | July 1963–August 1967 |
The Weekly News | 1979–83 |
Kāpiti Mail | April 1988–June 2000 |
Paekākāriki Press | February 1995–December 1999 |
Horowhenua & Kāpiti News | April 1997–December 1999 |
Paekākāriki Expressed | November 2001–May 2011 |
Searching newspapers on the catalogue
Articles from some newspapers are indexed on the library catalogue. You can easily search it and find results from the Kāpiti Observer (2001 onwards), the Ōtaki Mail (April 2003 onwards) and all issues of Paekākāriki Expressed. Ask at the library to view the specific article from your search results.
Online newspaper resources
Library PressReader
Did you know you can use PressReader to gain free access to more than 3,000 daily newspapers and magazines from 100 countries in 60 languages on your PC or mobile device? Note: Stuff Ltd publications are only available if you are in the physical libraries via
Use one of the public computers at the libraries, or the library wifi, or download the PressReader app.
Login with your library card number and password to gain access within the Kāpiti Hotspot (Otaki to Paekakariki). This allows you to download up to 5 titles for later reading, search content, and set up subject matter alerts on the topics that matter to you. You will be asked to login again every 30 days.
New to PressReader, or just want a few tips for an amazing news experience? Check out these help videos.
If you have any questions please email [email protected].
Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre
Newspaper and magazine articles with an emphasis on New Zealand and Australian titles. Includes most major New Zealand daily newspapers.
Use Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre
Papers Past
Papers Past contains more than three million pages of digitised New Zealand newspapers and periodicals. The collection covers the years 1839 to 1948 and includes 99 publications from all regions of New Zealand. A National Library Resource.
NZ Chinese Journals
Between 1921 and 1972 at least four Chinese language periodicals were published in New Zealand. Three of these are available on this site. The Man Sing Times was published between 1921 and 1922, the New Zealand Chinese Weekly News between 1937 and 1946, and the New Zealand Chinese Growers between 1949 and 1972. Collectively these periodicals cover some 50 years of Chinese New Zealand history. They provide an insight into the political, economic, linguistic, historical and social life of the Chinese New Zealand community.
The project is a joint venture between the Alexander Turnbull Library and Auckland City Libraries.
Chinese resources at National Library
We hold a selection of popular titles across the district, covering a wide variety of interests including fitness, travel, science, news, lifestyle, arts and hobbies. Titles include:
- The Artist
- Delicious
- Fine Woodworking
- Good Reading
- Grass Roots
- InStyle
- Mana
- North and South
- The Oldie
- The Shed
- Vanity Fair
- Walking New Zealand
We keep weekly magazines for six months and monthlies for a year. The exceptions to this are the Consumer and New Zealand Listener magazines which are kept as reference copies for two years.
We welcome your feedback and suggestions for new subject areas or new titles for this popular collection.