Looking for a book online
Looking for a book? We have a bunch of ways you can look online for your next read.
Online catalogue
If you'd like to reset your library card PIN/password, search for, renew or reserve physical library items, visit our online catalogue.
Readers' advisory tool
Who else writes like? allows you to discover new authors, titles and series similar to those you already enjoy. You can use this Readers' Advisory tool for free:
- Sign in with your library card number and password. You'll need to type KCD- before your library card number – make sure you include the dash.
- Search for your favourite writer, book or genre as a starting point to find read-a-likes and recommendations for adults, teens and children.
Other New Zealand online databases
- Te Puna Search allows you to search all New Zealand Libraries.
- Public Libraries of New Zealand is the website of the Association of Public Library Managers Inc (APLM).
- Publications New Zealand is a record of publications from or about New Zealand, from the earliest days of publishing through to the present. You will find descriptions of best-selling novels, DVDs, eBooks, maps, magazines and other types of publications, providing access to the social, cultural, and scientific endeavours of this country.