Children's programmes
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Pēpi Time
Join us for half an hour of music, movement, rhymes, and stories. Pēpi Time is an opportunity to have fun, spend quality 'one–on–one' time with your baby, and connect with other parents and caregivers. Suitable for ages 0–2 years. Term time only.
Paraparaumu Library: Mondays, 10.30–11.00am
Tamariki Time
Join us for singing, stories, finger rhymes, music and fun. Tamariki Time is aimed at tamariki aged 2 to 4 and their whānau. Term time only.
Waikanae Library: Tuesdays, 10.30–11.00am
Paraparaumu: Library: Wednesdays, 10.30–11.00am
Whakaihiihi Tamariki
‘Ko ngā āhuatanga ako katoa he mea mahi i roto i te koanga ngākau, me te whakaihiihi hinengaro'
I runga i te whakaaro o te whakataukī nei, he karanga tēnei ki ngā whare kōhungahunga, ngā puna reo, ngā kōhanga reo, ki ngā mātua hoki ki te wā Whakaihiihi Tamariki. Nau mai ki ngā whare whakamātau o Kāpiti ki te panui pakiwaitara, ki te waiata, ki te aro ki ngā whakataukī, ki te kanikani hoki.
Anei ngā tūnga:
Te Whare Whakamātau o Ōtaki: ia Mane, 10.30–11.00 i te ata
Join us to share stories, waiata, and whakataukī! Whakaihiihi Tamariki is aimed at tamariki aged 2 to 4 and their whānau.
Ōtaki Library: Mondays, 10:30–11am
Lego Club
Calling all Lego fans! We supply the Lego pieces, you supply the ideas. Come along to this informal group to get creative and share skills. Term time only.
Ōtaki Library: Tuesdays, 3:30–4:30pm
Paraparaumu Library: Thursdays, 3:30–4:30pm
Waikanae Library: Saturdays, 11am–12pm
Reading to Dogs
Reading to Dogs is back! This programme gives children the chance to practice their reading skills in a relaxed, non-threatening environment.
Our dogs:
- Can increase a child’s relaxation while reading
- Listen attentively
- Do not laugh, judge or criticise
- Allow children to proceed at their own pace
- Can be less intimidating than teachers or peers
Our furry friends have all been trained and tested for health, safety and temperament. Library staff and a dog handler will be present at all times to help facilitate the sessions.
No registrations required, but spaces are limited and will be filled on a first come first served basis.
Paraparaumu Library with Topaz, Tuesdays 3.30-4.30pm
18 February, 4 and 11 March, 1 and 15 April
Waikanae Library with Saffy, Wednesdays 3.30pm - 4.30pm
12 and 26 February 12 and 26 March and 9 April
Paraparaumu Library with Gryphon Thursdays 3.30-4.30pm
20 and 27 February 6, 13, 20, 27 March, 3 and 10 April