Whakataukī o te Marama
Māori proverbs and sayings, called ‘whakataukī’, ‘whakatauākī’ or ‘pepeha’, play a large role within Māori culture. Whakataukī are an important feature of formal speechmaking (whaikōrero), and are used in everyday conversation. They embody the values, wisdom, wit, and common sense of tangata whenua (people of the land). They are usually short and concise - using symbolism and metaphor to convey key messages.
Some common themes for whakataukī include bravery, tenacity, leadership, work, cooperation, the sharing of resources, kindness, love, hospitality, conservation, land, identity, belonging and family. Other whakataukī relate to the seasons and special events like Matariki.
These whakataukī celebrate the beauty of the Māori language and offer food for thought.
Monthly whakataukī
Each month a member of the Heritage and Māori Collections team chooses a whakataukī (Māori proverb or saying) for display in the library.
Fill the basket of knowledge.
Find out more
If you would like to discover more whakataukī, check out these books from our collection: