Changes from central government
Central government will sometimes make new rules and changes. We'll update this page with links to those changes and any updates we make to our information as a result.

The Government is talking about changes to the building consent system to:
- make it easier to use overseas building products
- allow remote building inspections
- make it simpler to build granny flats up to 60 square metres
- review earthquake-prone building laws.
These changes aren’t approved yet.
For more info, see Big year of building reforms, from the Minister for Building and Construction, Hon Chris Penk.
Starting Monday 1 July 2024, Council is moving to the national height standard called New Zealand Vertical Datum 2016 (NZVD2016). Council currently uses a local height standard called Wellington 1953 Vertical Datum.
Any height data sent to Kāpiti Coast District Council from 1 July 2024 must use the NZVD2016 height standard.
This vertical datum height standard, introduced by Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) in 2016, is the official way to measure heights across Aotearoa New Zealand. It is supported by a strong network of survey points managed by LINZ.
Moving to new standard
From 1 July 2024, LINZ requires all cadastral surveys use the NZVD2016 height standard for elevation data.
By also using the NZVD2016 height standard, Kāpiti Coast District Council is ensuring that its height data uses the same standard as central government and most other local authorities.
The NZVD2016 standard simplifies sharing height information for:
- geographic products (for example, elevation datasets)
- infrastructure
- planning
- consents.
Updating our geospatial data collections
We’ll be updating our geographical datasets that include height information (such as contours), and will share these by 1 July 2024. Our asset datasets (such as stormwater) will include heights in both standards.
Current and future projects
If you’re sending us geographical height data information for your projects, you’ll need to:
- For projects which started before 1 July 2024, use the Wellington 1953 standard (unless our contract says differently).
- For projects starting after 1 July 2024, use NZVD2016 for elevation data.
- Stick to one height standard per project to avoid confusion.
- Note the height standard used in your project documents.
Elevation data from before 2024 for as-builts, building consents and resource consents will remain unchanged.
Email our GIS team if you need help with the NZVD2016 height standard.
Related links
Central government has advised that the building levy threshold will be increased.
Read more at The building levy threshold to be increased.
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) issued a determination on minor variations in December 2023; as a result we have updated our process.
- Read the Determination.
- Request a minor variation.