Filming in public places
Think about what you might need to do to make sure you have a successful filming experience in Kāpiti.
Applying for a permit to film in Kāpiti
You need a permit to film in most locations across the Wellington region, including on the Kāpiti Coast.
Requests to film on the Kāpiti Coast must be made to Screen Wellington, who provide a free service to complete location and permit application forms.
Screen Wellington can also connect you to the people, tools, and expertise you need for your production. They provide free advice on filming, locations, location permitting, and local crew and business support.
For more information on film permits and other Screen Wellington services, visit the Screen Wellington website.
Deciding your location
Kāpiti Coast District Council seeks to promote and encourage filming on the Coast, while also ensuring that the unique environment of the Kāpiti Coast is valued and protected.
Council is generally happy for filmmakers to make the most of our District, but asks that filmmakers gain location approvals before any filming begins.
Screen Wellington works closely with Council to ensure that the suitability of filming locations has been discussed, as required, with tāngata whenua and any residents, businesses, or special interest groups that could be impacted by filming activities.
Get in touch early
Contact Screen Wellington as early as possible, to make sure there's enough time to process the application.
Please note that Screen Wellington requires a minimum of two days' working notice for low impact filming. If your filming is high impact, then longer may be needed to process the permit.
Applications that require road closures generally require the greatest amount of prior warning. A full road closure can require up to six weeks' notice, but sometimes applications can be processed in just a few days (if, for example, the request does not require traffic stopping).
If you are unsure whether you need approvals for your project, you can email an outline of your proposed activities to [email protected]. Screen Wellington will reply as soon as they have looked at your request and determined which approvals may be needed.
What else you may need
Other information required to complete your application for a film permit may include:
- a parking management plan
- a sustainable waste management plan
potential impacts on any parks or open spaces (for example, altering of tracks or vegetation)
whether any structures are to be erected
planned procedures to protect public safety (for example, signage and security)
a health and safety policy
- a site-specific risk assessment
Public Liability Insurance coverage
how noisy the filming activities are expected to be
plans to access power and water supplies
plans to provide toilet facilities
plans for any temporary road closures and/or the effects of the filming activities on traffic flows.
So that everyone, including local residents, enjoys a positive film friendly experience, the Council may ask you to advise affected residents and business owners of your filming activity by mail, a letterbox drop, or a personal visit.
Leaving the site as you found it and being polite to passers-by will also help in fostering the community's receptiveness to location filming in the Kāpiti Coast district.