Public notification templates
This page contains the public notification templates for alcohol licences that have been formally accepted by the District Licensing Committee (DLC).
New applications
Once you have received confirmation from the DLC that your application has been formally accepted you must publicly notify your application within 20 working days. Two notices are required to be published in the newspaper, not less than 5 working days and not more than 10 working days apart.
Renewal applications
Once you have received confirmation from the DLC that your application has been formally accepted you must publicly notify your application within 20 working days. If you have been advised by the Inspector that your premises are rated low or very low risk, only one notice in the newspaper is required. For all other risk categories, two notices are required to be published in the newspaper, not less than 5 working days and not more than 10 working days apart.
New and renewal applications – display of notice
Within 10 working days of your application being formally accepted you must display the public notice at the main entrance of the licensed premises. This notice must be at least A4 size and displayed for at least 15 days from the date the first notice was published in the newspaper.
To ensure the accuracy of the public notice, Council has produced template documents to be used by applicants. Copies of these templates are available from the links below, and are also included with the formal acceptance letter.
Public notice templates
The documents below are in MSWord and available for download or print.
Public Notice of Application for New, or Renewal of, an On-licence, Off-Licence or Club Licence - Form 7a (2 pages, 224Kb)
Public Notice of Application for Variation of Conditions of an On-licence, Off-licence or Club Licence - Form 7b (2 pages, 223Kb)
Public Notice of Application for Special Licence - Form 8 (2 pages, 217Kb)