Setting up a new business is exciting! We know there can seem to be a few hoops to jump through, so check out the information on this page, and give us a call if you have any questions. We’re keen to help you get your business up and running.
New business support
If you’re wanting to start a new food business or make changes to your existing business, you can make a time to come in for a business start-up meeting, to confidentially discuss your proposal.
You can find out more at Information for businesses about the support we offer businesses.
We also run occasional workshops, which will be advertised on this page.
How it works
All food businesses must operate under the requirements of the Food Act 2014 to make sure that all food sold is safe.
This means you need to be registered with the Council or Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI), and operate under a set of food safety rules (known as ‘risk-based measures’). These will be either:
- a national programme (NP)
- a food control plan (FCP).
These have been created by the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) and are designed to make sure you operate your business in such a way that the food you sell is safe for consumers.
You can find out the food safety rules (risk-based measures) for your business or activity at the Ministry for Primary Industries' My food rules page.
National programmes (NPs)
Lower and medium-risk food businesses follow a National Programme, which means they don’t need to use a written food control plan, but must be registered and:
- meet food safety standards
- keep some records
- be checked by a Ministry for Primary Industries-verified Recognised person
- renew their registration every two years.
You can find out more about NPs at National programmes on the Ministry for Primary Industries’ website.
NP businesses include:
- coffee carts (NP1)
- olive oil producers (NP3)
- preserves, sauces, confectionery manufacturers (NP2)
- fruit and vegetable producers (NP1)
- dairies (NP3).
Food control plans (FCPs)
Food control plans are used by higher risk food businesses to help them meet the requirements of the Food Act; they’re plans for managing food safety and suitability. FCP businesses need to:
- follow either a template FCP, or devise their own custom one
- renew their registration every year.
You can find out more about FCPs at Food control plans on the Ministry for Primary Industries’ website.
FCP businesses can include:
- butchers, fishmongers, delis
- cafes, restaurants, takeaways, catering
- people cooking food for sale at a market.
How to register
To register your new food business:
- Go to at My food rules to understand the food safety rules for your business.
- Complete the appropriate Scope of Operations form for your business type (National Programme, Simply Safe & Suitable, or Custom Food Control Plan) from the Ministry for Primary Industries’ Forms & Templates.
- Complete the appropriate form, depending on whether your business will operate from a single site, or more than one site:
- single site application [DOCX 355 KB]
- multi-site application [DOCX 353 KB].
- Lodge these forms with the Council. You can do this by email (to [email protected]), post, or in person at one of our service centres.
- Pay the appropriate Environmental health and food premises fee when lodging your application. See Payment options for how to pay.
How to renew your registration
To renew your food business registration before it expires, you’ll need to pay the appropriate Environmental health and food premises fee.
- We'll send you an invoice for the renewal fee four to six weeks before your registration expires. See Payment options for how to pay.
- Once we've received your payment, we'll email you the renewed registration certificate.
Please let us know of any changes to the structure or scope of operation of the business, or any changes to your contact details.
- Information for businesses
- Food Act 2014
- Ministry for Primary Industries – Food control plans
- Ministry for Primary Industries – National programmes
- Ministry for Primary Industries – My food rules
- Ministry for Primary Industries – Recognised persons
- Ministry for Primary Industries – Forms and templates
- FL Form 009 Application For Food Registration Single Site [DOCX 355 KB]
- FL Form 050 Food Registration Application Multiple Site [DOCX 353 KB]
- FL Form 065 Application For Renewal Of Food Registration Single Site [DOCX 353 KB]
- FL Form 107 Application For Renewal Of Food Registration Multi Site [DOCX 356 KB]
- Environmental health and food premises fees