Community noticeboards guidelines
Since our noticeboards are located near busy roads, there are certain restrictions to ensure the safety of road users and the group that is responsible for installing and removing the sign.
These boards are about helping and encouraging a community of people who care about the district. Council reserves the right to reject or remove signs that do not meet these requirements or are deemed to be inappropriate or inconsistent with the intent of this community facility.
The noticeboards must:
- promote or profile a local community event, activity or public information message
- be polite, appropriate and have relevant wording and images
The boards must not:
- comment on political or religious issues or topics
- feature or advertise commercial products, services or activities
- be offensive in any way or disrespectful to any organisation or person
- contain swear words
- be unlawful, libellous, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually oriented or racially offensive
- publicise personal information or contact details without prior consent of the people without their prior consent
- impersonate someone else
The signs must be a standard size:
- The frames have been designed to hold this size. 2400mm wide by 1200mm high and approximately 5mm thick (based on a standard sheet core flute).
The sign writing must be neat and easily read from the road, and comply with the following letter heights:
- Maximum height 150mm
- Minimum height 75mm

- Some typefaces are harder to read than others. Clear and easy-to-read typefaces are recommended.
- Signs must not exceed 20 words, including logos and pictures – each logo or picture counts as one word
- The message needs to stand out from the background colour
- Signs must not mimic or be confused with standard traffic/road signs
- Signs must not be reflectorised, illuminated or animated in any way
- No attachments, additional material or objects can be fixed or attached to the sign or frame

Display period
The maximum display period is between two to four weeks. Signs advertising one event or a series of events cannot be placed for more than four weeks at one time or more than six times a year. All signs must be removed/taken down within 48 hours of the events finishing time. This is included in the maximum permitted display period.
Timeframe for bookings
The booking period begins from noon on a Monday and ends at 9am on the allocated work day arranged with Council Officers. It is important that signs are removed on time at the end of a booking to ensure that the next applicant to put their sign up. Any signs that are not removed at this time will be removed and disposed of by council staff.
Conditions and enforcement
The community notice boards are checked regularly by a Council officer who has the authority to remove and dispose of any sign which does not meet the criteria set out in the application form.
Council is not responsible for any damage to or the loss of an applicant’s sign. The site cannot be hired to a third party
There are strict guidelines that must be adhered to and Council retains the right to confiscate and dispose of signs that:
- contravene conditions
- have not been officially booked, or
- have not been removed by the due date
These guidelines have been prepared in consultation with the ‘traffic control devices manual’ published by the New Zealand Transport Agency 2011. Kāpiti Coast District Council reserves the right to exercise discretion when approving applications.