Waikanae Community Board Grants
The Waikanae Community Board offers three grants: the Waikanae Capital Improvement Grant, Waikanae Promotion Fund, and the Discretionary Grants Fund.
Waikanae Promotion Fund applications are open.
Waikanae Community Board Discretionary Fund applications are open.
Waikanae Capital Improvement Grant applications are open on 11 April 2025.
Waikanae Promotion Fund
The Waikanae Promotion Fund helps groups or individuals who promote the Waikanae Ward through their activities. This includes events or activities that make Waikanae a great place to live, attract visitors, or promote Waikanae as a visitor destination.
- Promotion Fund Criteria and Application form - online application
- Promotion Fund Criteria and Application form [PDF 141 KB]
- Promotion Fund Criteria and Application form [DOCX 57 KB].
How to apply
- Use the application form and send it to the Governance team. We prefer online applications, but we also accept hard copies. If you have any questions, email or call the team.
- Submit your application at least eight working days before the Waikanae Community Board meeting.
- Applications must be for promotions within the Waikanae Ward.
- Applications will be considered for “events based” activities.
- Applications will be considered for exceptional circumstances.
- Applications must include an outline of the expected benefits to the Waikanae Ward.
Does the application promote Waikanae by:
- Contributing to making Waikanae a Good Place to Live; or
- Contributing to making Waikanae an Active Community; or
- Attracting visitors to the area; or
- Promoting Waikanae as a visitor destination.
To allow the Community Board to forward plan they encourage organisations to provide an annual calendar of events and activities, and to note the activities which they may need funding for.
Applicants must provide at least 3 quotes for any items to be purchased with the grant money.
Applicants are to give full details of the reason for application, and amount requested, and to note any other applications for funding currently sought from other bodies.
Where an application for funding for a particular purpose might be received from individual members of an organisation and from the organisation as a whole, preference will be given to ONLY funding the organisation as a whole.
Where an organisation anticipates that it will require ongoing annual funding, to be used for the same purpose each year, it may apply for three consecutive years of annual funding within a single application. If such an application is approved, the funding will be released in annual instalments. The second and third instalments will only be released once the Community Board has received a satisfactory accountability report in relation to the previous year’s funding. First-time applicants to the Promotion Fund will not be eligible for three years of annual funding.
In a given financial year, the Council may not allocate sufficient funding to the Community Board to enable it to pay all grants arising from three-year funding arrangements approved in a previous year. In such situations the available funding will be distributed on a pro-rata basis to those organisations
to which funding has already been approved.
Ineligible purposes
Activities for which funding has already been received from either the Grants Allocation Committee or one of the other community boards in the district will not be eligible for funding from the Waikanae Community Board for the same activities.
Applications will not be considered retrospectively.
Notwithstanding all of the above, the Waikanae Community Board has the right if justification can be proven, to make a grant outside the criteria.
Submit applications prior to meeting
To ensure your grant application is included for consideration in the agenda for Waikanae Community Board meetings, please submit your application at least 8 working days prior to the upcoming Waikanae Community Board meeting. Check the dates for Waikanae Community Board meetings.
Once your application has been processed you will be acknowledged by email to confirm its receipt.
Discretionary Grants Fund
This grant is for groups and people who help the Waikanae area.
- Discretionary Grants Fund Criteria and Application form - online application
- Discretionary Grants Fund Criteria and Application form [PDF 130 KB]
- Discretionary Grants Fund Criteria and Application form [DOCX 52 KB]
How to apply
- Use the application form and send it to the Governance team. We prefer online applications, but we also accept hard copies. If you have any questions, email or call the team.
- Submit your application at least eight working days before the Waikanae Community Board meeting.
- Applicants must reside in the Waikanae Ward.
- Groups must be non-profit making.
- Applications may only be made once in a 12-month period, calculated from the date funding was last received, except in exceptional circumstances and at the Board’s discretion.
Applications will be considered for:
- Community, cultural or sports purposes, including travel both within New Zealand and overseas.
- Groups or individuals who are unable to receive sufficient grants from other sources because of the time frame or because they are otherwise ineligible.
- Grants to partially or fully offset the cost of any Council permit, licence or resource consent fees on the basis that the proposed activity falls into a “worthy cause” category.
- The remission of hall rental for “worthy causes” in line with Council policy that all remissions of hall rentals are accounted for by being funded from approved grants budgets.
- Where an application for funding for a particular purpose might be received from individual members of an organisation and from the organisation as a whole, preference will be given to ONLY funding the organisation as a whole.
- Where an organisation anticipates that it will require ongoing annual funding, to be used for the same purpose each year, it may apply for three consecutive years of annual funding within a single application. If such an application is approved, the funding will be released in annual instalments. The second and third instalments will only be released once the Community Board has received a satisfactory accountability report in relation to the previous year’s funding. First-time applicants to the Discretionary Grants Fund will not be eligible for three years of annual funding.
Ineligible purposes:
- Capital expenditure.
- Expenses incurred for school curriculum activities.
- Grants will not be considered retrospectively and must be received by the Kāpiti Coast District Council prior to the event taking place and at least eight working days before the Community Board meeting date.
- Activities for which funding has already been received from either the Grants Allocation Committee or one of the other community boards in the district will not be eligible for further funding from the Waikanae Community Board for the same activities.
Grant allocation guidelines
For sports/competitions (including associated travel costs):
- $100 Participation in a national or international event without selection (i.e. if you pay you can participate)
- $200 Competing in a national event (after selection)
- $500 Competing in an international event (after selection)
For travel:
- $200 To attend coaching/training clinics out of Waikanae (national or international), which will benefit more members of the community
- $200 Attending national AGMs (or similar) for Waikanae community groups
- $250 Attending national AGMs (or similar) for very active or highly beneficial Waikanae community groups
For all other application:
- the maximum grant payable is $500 per grant.
Consideration of grants
Submit applications prior to meeting
To ensure your grant application is included for consideration in the agenda for Waikanae Community Board meetings, please submit your application at least 8 working days prior to the upcoming Waikanae Community Board meeting. Check the dates for Waikanae Community Board meetings.
Once your application has been processed you will be acknowledged by email to confirm its receipt.
Waikanae Capital Improvement Grant
Interest from the Waikanae Capital Improvement Fund provides money for the Waikanae Capital Improvement Grant, available once a year. This grant helps Waikanae organisations with capital projects that benefit a large part of the Waikanae community.
For this grant, capital expenditure means money spent by an organisation to buy equipment or to upgrade and improve things like property or buildings.
Grant applications are open from Friday, 11 April 2025 until 5pm, Friday, 23 May 2025.
The criteria to apply for the Waikanae Capital Improvement Grant are:
- Projects must benefit a large part of the Waikanae community.
- A significant amount of money should be raised locally for the project.
- Applicants need to provide a business plan and annual accounts for grant applications over $5,000.
- Applications must include at least three quotes for the capital works you want funding for (if appropriate).
- Applications can only be for capital expenditure. This means money spent by an organisation to buy equipment or to upgrade and improve things like property or buildings.
How to apply
- Complete your application using the application form (links are active when applications are open):
- Waikanae Capital Improvement Grant Criteria and Application Form (online)
- Waikanae Capital Improvement Grant Criteria and Application Form
- Check you've included the correct information, including:
- all applications:
- a bank deposit slip
- total projected project costs
- total amount raised by the organisation so far
- expected revenues and sources
- total amount requested
- contingencies
- a plan for managing any risks identified for the project.
- applications over $5,000 must also include:
- a business plan
- a copy of the organisation’s annual accounts.
3. Send your application to:
Governance team
Kāpiti Coast District Council
Private Bag 60601
Paraparaumu 5254
or email the Governance team.
All grant recipients must complete a short, simple accountability report within six months of receiving the funds, to show how they used the funds and the benefits gained.
Any money not used for the planned purpose must be paid back to the fund.
- Accountability Report [PDF 61 KB]
- Accountability Report [DOCX 21 KB]