- Dog and animal management
- Cemeteries
- Fees and charges
- Rubbish and recycling
- Roads, transport and parking
- Business licences and permits
- Waters
- Noise control
Grants and funding
- Arts sustainability fund
- Climate action grants
- Community and Affordable Housing Seed Fund
- Community board grants
- Community grants
- Creative Communities Scheme
- Districtwide Facility Hire Remission Grants
- Heritage Fund
- Major events fund
- Museum and heritage development
- Māori Economic Development Grants Fund
- Regional Infrastructure Fund
- Social investment funding
- ThinkBIG grants
- Waste levy grants
- Wellington Community Fund
- Council facilities for hire
- Council properties
Community grants
This year the Community Grant Scheme focused on grassroots projects and activities that help make Kāpiti a great place for everyone.
About the scheme
Grants of up to $2,000 are available for the 2025/26 year to support community-based programmes and events that contribute to achieving positive social outcomes for people living in the Kāpiti Coast District.
Applications are assessed against the criteria by a Council officer, and eligible applicants will be invited to speak to their application at the Grants Allocation Committee meeting. A Council officer will allocate a timeslot for this.
The final decision on allocation of funding is made by the Grants Allocation Committee members.
Funds available
There's about $40,000 available to support community-based projects, programmes and events that contribute to positive social outcomes in Kāpiti. The maximum about allocated to individual projects is $2,000.
The Community grant will be designated to the purpose of one or more of the following outcomes:
- Building resilient, sustainable communities
- Encouraging greater community participation
- Improving the quality of life of the participants
- Working in partnership with a range of community groups, including iwi/hapū
Monday 17 March 2025
Opening of applications
5pm, Wednesday 16 April
Closing of applications
Tuesday 29 April
Grants Allocation Committee meet to decide recipients, applicants invited to speak to their applications
Thursday 1 May
Applicants advised of decision
Community grant applications must aim to achieve the outcomes outlined above.
Any organisation or group applying for the grant must:
- be not-for-profit and/or must not make a profit from the project;
- Provide a local service that contributes to community wellbeing and development;
- Be responsive to an identified need
Funds can be used for:
- New programmes projects or events
- Improvements or enhancements to existing programmes
- Skill development of programme participants
- Training needs of working
- Publicity or education material directly related to the aim of the programme
- Equipment which is necessary to achieve the outcomes of the programme, specified in the application
- Transport services where some disability is involved
- Administration costs to support a community-led or social service for community benefit.
Funds cannot be used for:
- purposes that do not directly relate to the social activity/programme or event outlined in the application
- projects and events where sports, fitness, leisure and arts activities are the primary purpose of the organisation or group
- significant capital expenditure and infrastructure costs (ie, buildings and facility improvements) that are subject to depreciation
- ongoing costs where the applicant is not meeting any of the costs
- rent, subscriptions or wages not directly related to the project, programme or event
- travel expenses
- debt servicing
- project or programmes that have already occurred
- catering and alcohol costs.
How to apply
Apply using our online form. We prefer online applications, but we’ll accept hard copies. Download the printable Community Grants application form to print and complete.
Application forms:
Submitting applications
If you’ve completed a hard copy application, you'll need to deliver or post it to us.
Post to:
Connected Communities
Kāpiti Coast District Council
Arts Events Coordinator Kāpiti Coast District Council
Private Bag 60601 Paraparaumu 5254
or deliver to:
Connected Communities
Kāpiti Coast District Council
175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu 5032
All Community Grant recipients are required to provide a short, simple report back with receipts on use of the funds, by completing the Accountability Form, outlining the benefits gained.
- Accountability form [PDF 128 KB]
- Accountability form [DOCX 79 KB]
Recipients 2024/25
In 2024/25, the 25 successful projects were:
Recipient |
Project |
Year |
Actively Coping with Cancer |
$1,702.00 to assist with hall hire and facilitation of weekly support sessions. |
2024/25 |
Age Concern Kāpiti Coast Incorporated |
$2,000.00 to help with costs of production of a monthly newsletter. |
2024/25 |
Cobblers Soup |
$1,500.00 to purchase a new freezer for surplus vegetables/soup. |
2024/25 |
Digital Seniors |
$2,000.00 to extend their service to Kāpiti and for wages, consumables, and advertising. |
2024/25 |
Energise Ōtaki |
$2,000.00 to contribute to costs associated with transporting bikes for their working bees. |
2024/25 |
Good Bitches Trust |
$1,800.00 for administration and pro-rated equipment costs associated with their GBB Baking it Better programme in Kāpiti. |
2024/25 |
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Kapiti |
$2,000.00 to cover equipment and administration to provide emergency packs for a new support group in Ōtaki. |
2024/25 |
Kaibosh |
$2,000.00 for seasonal cooking classes for partner charities to increase understanding of how to cook using the food which would typically come in Kaibosh hampers to make healthy, balanced, affordable meals. |
2024/25 |
KapiMana Multiples |
$1,755.40 for new whānau support through household hampers, connection meetings for families with multiples under two, and Merino clothes for tamariki recently out of NICU. |
2024/25 |
Kapiti Autism Parent Support Group |
$150.00 for room rental for the peer support group for Kāpiti families living with autism. |
2024/25 |
Kapiti Community Foodbank Inc |
$2,000.00 to contribute to the purchasing of meat as their current supplier has ended its support. |
2024/25 |
Kapiti Horticultural Association |
$700.00 to towards established trees to plant in high-use community spaces. |
2024/25 |
Kapiti Loss and Grief Centre |
$1,700.00 to invest in more comfortable chairs and a eco-friendly printer. |
2024/25 |
Kapiti Women's Health Collective Inc |
$2,000.00 to go towards administration and tutor costs for their annual Centre Worker Volunteer training programme. |
2024/25 |
L'Arche Kāpiti Incorporated |
$1,912.00 to upgrade their productive gardens by increasing the nursery size, building a larger hot-house, and ongoing development of garden beds and irrigation systems. |
2024/25 |
MenzShed Kapiti Incorporated |
$2,000.00 for administration costs to support community group projects. |
2024/25 |
Ngā Manu Trust |
$1,778.00 to purchase warm gear for volunteers’ use. |
2024/25 |
Ōtaki Toy Library |
$1,435.00 to purchase new toys for children 5-8 years old, and contribute to advertising costs. |
2024/25 |
Paekākāriki Housing Trust |
$1,500.00 to contribute to two part-time roles. |
2024/25 |
Paekakariki Speakeasy |
$600.00 to contribute to venue hire costs for members to practise public speaking skills. |
2024/25 |
The Nest Collective |
$2,000.00 to contribute towards essentials packs (clothing, toys, nappies, bedding, books, and more) for vulnerable young families. |
2024/25 |
Volunteer Kāpiti |
$2,000.00 to better support Kāpiti Youth to volunteer and develop opportunities for young people that are flexible and align with other programmes/employment opportunities. |
2024/25 |
Kapiti Coast Workers Educational Association Inc (Kāpiti WEA) |
$1,483.00 for course administration expenses to support community-based adult education. |
2024/25 |
Paraparaumu Beach School |
$1,000.00 to put on their annual Matariki event and contribute towards hangi, lighting and electrical equipment hire costs. |
2024/25 |
The Kilns at Te Horo |
$984.60 to train and provide equipment for volunteers. |
2024/25 |
In 2023/24, the 33 successful recipients were:
Recipient |
Project |
Year |
Actively Coping with Cancer |
$850 for assistance towards their weekly meetings. |
2023/24 |
Age Concern Kāpiti Coast Incorporated |
$1000 for costs to produce monthly Senior Times newsletter. |
2023/24 |
Benefit Advocacy Kapiti |
$500 for costs towards providing benefit advocacy in Waikanae including room hire, promotional material, cell phone plan. |
2023/24 |
Cross Roads Christian Community Trust |
$1000 for costs towards stationary, photocopying, and fuel costs. |
2023/24 |
Ellie’s Canine Rescue and Rehome |
$1000 for free desexing and dog food for families on limited income. |
2023/24 |
Friends of the Wharemauku Stream |
$1000 towards native trees and shrubs to support their desilting activity. |
2023/24 |
Good Bitches Trust |
$1000 for costs associated with Baking it Better Kāpiti programme. |
2023/24 |
He Tangata Village Trust |
$940 for nine raised garden beds to promote self-sufficiency. |
2023/24 |
HeartKids Wellington |
$1000 towards care packs, grocery and petrol vouchers, and counselling services for Kāpiti families in need. |
2023/24 |
KapiMana Multiples |
$1396 for household hampers and essential baby items for families with multiples (twins and triplets). $1396 |
2023/24 |
Kāpiti Autism Parent Support Group |
$200 towards room rental for regular meetings. |
2023/24 |
Kāpiti Coast Workers Educational Association Inc |
$1000 towards administration costs. |
2023/24 |
Kāpiti Community Foodbank Inc |
$2000 towards administration costs. |
2023/24 |
Kāpiti Horticultural Society |
$1000 towards their tree-planting in school initiative. |
2023/24 |
Kāpiti Kindness Trust |
$2000 towards hot water bottles, slow cookers and meal tuition for families living on a challenging budget. |
2023/24 |
Kāpiti Women’s Health Collective |
$2000 towards worker volunteer training. |
2023/24 |
L'Arche Kāpiti |
$600 towards their Washing Whiffs Social Enterprise. |
2023/24 |
Life Education Trust Kāpiti and Horowhenua |
$1980 to print booklets for their Vaping Education initiative. |
2023/24 |
Moore’s Meadow Trust |
$1000 for a woodchipper and paper shredder. |
2023/24 |
New Zealand National Refugee Youth Council |
$1000 towards the cost of running a Kāpiti Coast Refugee Youth leadership camp. |
2023/24 |
Ngā Manu Trust |
$1735 to purchase wet weather clothing for their volunteer programme. |
2023/24 |
Ōtaki Promotions Group |
$1000 on improvements to the Community Christmas Wonderland Project. |
2023/24 |
Ōtaki Stroke Support and Wellness Centre |
$1000 towards Sit and Be Fit classes, aimed at increasing cognitive, sensory, and physical function. |
2023/24 |
Ōtaki Toy Library |
$1831 to improve their toy collection. |
2023/24 |
Ōtaki–Waikanae Presbyterian Parish |
$500 towards a new barbecue. |
2023/24 |
Our Lady of Kapiti St Vincent de Paul Society |
$1468 for a freezer replacement. |
2023/24 |
Paekākāriki Community Trust |
$1000 towards piano installation and music lessons for youth. |
2023/24 |
Parent to Parent Wellington |
$2000 towards monthly support group meets. |
2023/24 |
Te Aukaha/Ngatiawa Retreat Trust |
$1000 to help with two hui reo programmes. |
2023/24 |
The Nest Collective NZ Charitable Trust |
$2000 towards the costs of providing essential packs to vulnerable young families. |
2023/24 |
The Shed Project Kāpiti |
$1000 to help setup screen-printing capability. $1000 |
2023/24 |
The Wellington Multiple Sclerosis Society Inc |
$1000 towards administration costs. |
2023/24 |
Volunteer Kāpiti |
$2000 to establish an Emergency Volunteer Plan. |
2023/24 |
In 2022/23, 21 successful recipients were:
Recipient |
Project |
Year |
Age Concern Kāpiti | $2000 to help with costs of production of a monthly newsletter. | 2022/23 |
Cross Roads Christian Community Trust |
$2000 to help with costs of stationery/photocopying/fuel costs. |
2022/23 |
Friends of Queen Elizabeth Park |
$1063 to produce a documentary highlighting the importance of the restoration work. |
2022/23 |
HeartKids Wellington |
$2000 for their counselling fund, and for grocery vouchers for families in need. |
2022/23 |
KapiMana Multiples |
$1200 for household hampers and essential baby items. |
2022/23 |
Kāpiti Autism Parent Support Group |
$300 for room rental for the regular meetings. |
2022/23 |
Kāpiti Coast WEA Inc |
$2000 for administration costs. |
2022/23 |
Kāpiti Community Kapa Haka |
$1400 for a projector and for room hire fees. |
2022/23 |
Kāpiti Grey Power Assn |
$2000 to fund six ‘Meet the Candidates’ events. |
2022/23 |
Kāpiti Horticultural Society |
$2000 to improve their tree-planting in school initiative. |
2022/23 |
Kāpiti Kindness Trust |
$2000 to provide hot water bottles, slow cookers, and meal tuition to families living on a challenging budget. |
2022/23 |
Kāpiti Women’s Health Collective |
$2000 for worker volunteer training. |
2022/23 |
Kāpiti Youth Employment Foundation (Work Ready Kāpiti) |
$1000 for creation of visual content to promote their services. |
2022/23 |
Kids Need Dadz |
$2000 to assist with community activities (Father’s Day Event), Dadz Kare meetings (room hire) and Kids Kare and social worker services (salary contribution). |
2022/23 |
L'Arche Kāpiti |
$600 for their Soy Candle Social Enterprise. |
2022/23 |
Loss & Grief Centre Kāpiti |
$1200 for running companion training. |
2022/23 |
Ōtaki Promotions Group (OPG) |
$1000 for improvement to their Community Christmas Lights Project. |
2022/23 |
Parent to Parent Wellington |
$2000 for costs associated with holding support group meets. |
2022/23 |
The Nest Collective NZ Charitable Trust |
$2000 to provide essentials packs for vulnerable young families. |
2022/23 |
Victim Support Kāpiti |
$2000 to contribute towards local volunteer recruitment, training, and supervision. |
2022/23 |
Wellington Multiple Sclerosis Society Inc |
$2000 for administration costs (salary/vehicle/office/telecommunications). |
2022/23 |
In 2020/21, the Grants Allocation Committee assessed 25 applications requesting over $46,000 from a limited pool of funding.
The 22 successful recipients were:
Recipient |
Project |
Year |
Actively Coping with Cancer | Introductory and monthly programmes for people who have cancer or have been affected by cancer. | 2020/21 |
Age Concern | Costs of production of a monthly newsletter. | 2020/21 |
English Language Partners | Volunteer training, administration and instruction manuals. | 2020/21 |
HeartKids Wellington | Care packages, counselling, petrol and grocery vouchers for Kāpiti families living with childhood heart defects. | 2020/21 |
Kāpiti Community Patrol | Training, administration and petrol for their patrol vehicle. | 2020/21 |
KapiMana Multiples | Household hampers and essential baby items for families who experience life with multiples (twins and triplets). | 2020/21 |
Kāpiti Kindness Trust | ‘Kindness prescriptions’ to support mental resilience. | 2020/21 |
Kāpiti Women's Health Collective | Worker volunteer training. | 2020/21 |
Kidz Need Dadz | Community activities, Dadz Kare meetings and Kids Kare and social worker services. | 2020/21 |
Ngā Uruora Kāpiti Project Inc | Tools for monthly working bees at Waikākāriki wetland. | 2020/21 |
NZ Council of Victim Support Groups Inc | Local volunteer recruitment, training and supervision. | 2020/21 |
Ōtaki College Board of Trustees | Free community event during Mental Health Week (September 27-October 3). | 2020/21 |
Paekākāriki Housing Trust | Production of short videos to share the vision of the Housing Trust as a medium to engage with community to find local solutions. | 2020/21 |
Paekākāriki Informed Community Inc | Improving digital functionality. | 2020/21 |
Parkinson's New Zealand Charitable Trust | Information, education and support services for Kāpiti residents, this includes home support for home visits, exercise, education seminars and advocacy advice. | 2020/21 |
Royal New Zealand Plunket Trust Kāpiti | Playgroups, parenting education, infant first aid courses and car seat safety clinics in Kāpiti. | 2020/21 |
Te Ati Awa ki Whakarongotai | Kia Haumaru te iwi project aimed at reducing hardship and isolation. | 2020/21 |
Te Aukaha/Ngatiawa Retreat Trust | Two hui reo programmes. | 2020/21 |
The Shed Project Kāpiti |
Sustainable recyclability project –making dog toys from old denim, funding would be dedicated to support workers. |
2020/21 |
The Shift Foundation | Kāpiti coordinator to deliver local programmes. | 2020/21 |
The Star Jam Charitable Trust | Two music performance workshops in Kāpiti. | 2020/21 |
WellElder Charitable Trust | Administration to support access to their services. | 2020/21 |