Chipseal resurfacing
We operate a continuous programme of road maintenance and upgrades via our approved network of contractors. Well-maintained roads are an important part of keeping people safe, and improving the chipseal road surface restores the waterproof layer and helps with skid resistance.
Traffic management plans are put in place to minimise disruption to your travel plans, but temporary detours are sometimes necessary and delays may occur. Please drive carefully through work sites and stick to the temporary speed limits. While we aim to do this work with as little disruption as possible, we know roadworks can be inconvenient and frustrating.
Notifying residents
Higgins Contractor are advising affected residents through a letterbox drop. If you have questions or concerns, you can contact them on 04 472 8460.
Note: Roadworks are dependent on weather and other factors. If bad weather strikes, work will be postponed to the next suitable day or night. Immediate residents will receive a letter to confirm the start date of their street.
Summary of upcoming chipseal resurfacing
This work is to be completed during January–March 2025. All work is dependent on weather and the availability of construction resource. Traffic control will be in place – please follow the direction of site crews.
- Mangaone Rd North, from 107 Mangaone Rd North to end of sealed road.
- Dittmer Street, from intersection with Waitohu Valley Road to intersection with Te Manuao Road.
- Te Manuao Road, from Old State Highway 1 to intersection with Dittmer Street.
- Te Waka Road, from Old State Highway 1 for 100 metres.
Waikanae Beach
- Ara Kuaka, from Tutere Street to T of Ara Kuaka.
- Fleetwood Grove, from Te Moana Road to cul de sac (all of street)
- Kapanui Road, from Belvedere Ave to Parata Street (all of street)
- Ngārara Road, from Waikanae Pool exit to North Bay
- Ngārara Road, from intersection with Belvedere Ave to 57 Ngārara Road (cemetery back gate)
- Kakariki Grove, from Winara Ave intersection to 62 Kakariki Grove.
- Kawau Grove, all of street
- Matenga Street, from Ruru Street intersection to 26 Matenga Street.
- Te Moana Road, from the intersection with Richmond Ave to the intersection with Leybourne Avenue.
- Old State Highway 1 between the Otaihanga roundabout and Nikau Palm Road
- Kikorangi Way, from Arawhata Road to turn head
- Otaihanga Road, from 160 Otaihanga Road to the railway line
- Arko Place, all of street
- Chums Road, all of street
- Hollis Road, number 8 to number 16, and number 20 to number 50
- Kikorangi Way, all of street
- Leigh Place, all of street
- Mahaki Road, all of street, including lane beyond cul de sac up to number 75.
- Marine Parade, number 53 to intersection with Tahi Road
- Ruapehu Street, from intersection with Epiha Street to Kaitawa Crescent South.
- Tudor Court, all of street.
- Westridge Court, from intersection with Ruapehu Road to Westridge Court cul de sac.
- Wood Leigh, from bridge to cul de sac.
- Maungakotukutuku Road, from 200 Maungakotukutuku Rd to scenic reserve
- Maungakotukutuku Road, from Valley Road intersection to end of sealed road
- Wharemauku Road, from Matatua Road to 31 Wharemauku Road
- Old State Highway 1 north of Poplar Ave to the old Railway substation
- Dale Road, all of street
- Edward Court, all of street
- Renown Road, from Menin Road intersection to number 135.
- The Esplanade, from Jeep Road intersection to 108 The Esplanade.
- Emerald Glen, from 18 to 91 Emerald Glen
- Emerald Glen, from 91 Emerald Glen to Waterfall Road
- Waterfall Road, from 3 Waterfall Road to 60 Waterfall Road
- Waterfall Road, from 30 to 23 Waterfall Road
- Sand Track Road, all of street
- Tilley Road, from Cecil Road intersection to Tarawa Street intersection.