About Local Water Done Well
Central government is changing the way drinking water, wastewater and stormwater (the three waters) are delivered in Aotearoa New Zealand.
This is to give New Zealanders confidence that drinking water is safe to use, sources of drinking water are adequately protected, and wastewater and stormwater are managed in financially sustainable ways.
Local Water Done Well
Local Water Done Well is the Government’s plan to address Aotearoa New Zealand’s long-standing water infrastructure challenges. It replaces the previous government's Three Waters Reform programme but seeks to achieve similar water outcomes.
Key components of Local Water Done Well are:
- fit-for-purpose service delivery models and financing tools
- ensuring water services are financially sustainable
- introducing greater central government oversight, economic and quality regulation.
Local Water Done Well is being implemented in three stages, each with its own piece of legislation.
- Repeal of previous water services legislation.
- Establish framework and preliminary arrangements for the new water services system.
- Establish enduring settings.
Updated 10 March 2025