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Water Meters | Trial Phase
Property owners received two trial water use readings before the change to the new water charging system is introduced from July 1, 2014.
This was to give owners time before the new charging system started to:
- gauge household use
- check for any leaks within private boundaries and fix them
- look at how to lower water use
- know how much future water bills are likely to be if use remained the same.
The water meter readings were undertaken by DataCol NZ Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Electra.
Each property's meter was be read three times between late January and the change to charging by volume in July.
Water meters have been ticking over since installation, so the first reading established a baseline. Property owners then received two trial water use readings between mid March and mid April, and between mid May and the end of June.
There were too many households to send out the trial reads all at once.
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Updated 15 March 2023