- Dog and animal management
- Cemeteries
- Fees and charges
- Rubbish and recycling
- Roads, transport and parking
- Business licences and permits
Water supply
- Restrictions and boil water notices
- Your connection
- Problems with your supply
- Where it comes from
- Treatment
- Daily water consumption and sources
- Water conservation
- Metering
- Leaks
- Water education
- Water projects
- Stormwater
- Wastewater
- Local water done well
Water supply
- Noise control
- Grants and funding
- Council facilities for hire
- Council properties
Water Supply Project Maps
This page contains maps of the top two ranked solutions for the Water Supply Project. They are the two solutions remaining from the original 40 investigated.
Kāpiti Coast: Water Supply Options Considered (PDF, 1 page, 2Mb)
Top Ranked Solution - River Recharge with Groundwater
The following maps identify the location and conceptual diagram of the river recharge solution. This option involves drinking ONLY river water. Supplementary supply from the borefield will now be used to recharge the river and meet the minimum flow requirements.
- River Recharge location map (PDF, 1 page, 295Kb)
- River Recharge conceptual diagram (JPG, 51Kb)
Next Ranked Solution - Maungakotukutuku Dam
A dam and reservoir in the Maungakotukutuku Stream, approximately 5 km upstream of the Waikanae Water Treatment Plant. Rainfall is captured for controlled release during times of low flows in the Waikanae River.
- Maungakotukutuku Dam (JPG, 90Kb)
Draft Notice of Requirement (NOR) Application
Draft NoR for a Designation in the Kapiti Coast District Plan for Water Supply Purposes (Lower Maungakotukutuku Dam) under section 168A of the Resource Management Act 1991
Draft Notice of Requirement for a Designation by the Kapiti Coast District Council (PDF, 61 pages, 544Kb)