Planning for our future
Water charging through water meters is just one part of our long-term water solution. Others include the river recharge scheme, the future Maungakotukutuku Dam, treatment plant upgrade, and water conservation.
Maungakotukutuku Dam
Council purchased land in 2012 for a future dam site behind the hills of Nikau Valley. With the current river recharge scheme and water metering, the community will not need to invest in the new dam for up to 50 years.
This dam proposal would involve creating a 28-hectare lake behind a 31.5-metre concrete dam wall. Stored water from the dam will be released as required into the Waikanae River to supplement the river's natural flow. Geotechnical drilling in the area has confirmed no active faults or significant concerns with foundations. The image below shows how the dam might look (looking from the northern end).
Restoring farmland back into forest
Council plans extensive native replanting on farmland surrounding the dam site, as well as pest control in nearby covenanted forest.
The combined with the river recharge scheme, the future dam is expected to provide a secure source of good quality water for the next 100 years.