Following are the list of candidates for whom our Election Officer has received nominations.
Affiliation: Independent
Phone: 021 277 1033
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Kapiti Coast District Council area.
I am an expert in local government practice and law, with 40 years' experience advising many Councils. I've seen the benefits of best practice, and the damage from bad practice. Leadership from the Mayor is vital, encouraging and enabling all councillors to succeed, and holding all levels of the organisation to the values of community service and accessibility.
I want a Council that strives for excellence in all its services and is affordable - meaning that the average 10% annual rates increases committed to by the current Council cannot continue when household incomes are either static or reducing in real terms.
Community engagement cannot be limited to election campaigns. I will promote ongoing and genuine conversations with all our communities on important issues - no more vanity projects. Vote for me and get the leadership and real change we need.
Phone: 027 2433 604
Email: [email protected]
Also standing for: Paraparaumu Ward
My principal place of residence is in the Paraparaumu Ward area. I am also standing for
As a successful business person with a long-time involvement in our community, I bring the background skills necessary to make an impact for you at the Kapiti council table.
Kāpiti faces many challenges but equally we are presented with many opportunities. I want to bring my common sense problem solving skills to council.
Massive rates increases are creating genuine hardship for many households and for many they are unsustainable.
We need to always be looking for better ways to get better outcomes at affordable costs.
My style of leadership is inclusive. That formula works well in business and it can work in politics. A lot more consultation with the community and lots less consultation with the consultants and we will all be better off.
I ask for your #1 vote but if you have a preferred candidate I would be pleased to be your #2 choice.
Email [email protected]
Affiliation: Independent
Phone: 027 2961628
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Kapiti Coast District Council area.
We live in a beautiful place, in challenging times. The cost of living, housing, climate change and sustainably growing our communities will be top priorities.
I will lead a team where every elected member and iwi representative has a valuable and meaningful role, and the community has a greater opportunity to contribute to the work of council. We need to work collaboratively across the region and with Central Government to make the most of the opportunities ahead. We need quality facilities, including a new library for Waikanae as soon as possible.
I bring the proven experience to deliver. Deputy Mayor for two terms and Councillor for three, other roles have included Community Board member and chair, Local Government New Zealand's National Policy Advisory Group, Electra Trust Board, Mahara Gallery Trust Board and qualified Resource Management Commissioner Chair.
Affiliation: Independent
Phone: 021 2122953
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Kapiti Coast District Council area.
We want fresh leadership and ideas.
I'm running on a record of making real change to the way council works and getting things done.
Like you, I want to be proud of our council. I will be a listening Mayor, ending decision making in private,
supporting community boards and fostering an open and transparent council that is accountable to you.
I will be financially responsible, so when projects don't stack up like The Gateway, I'll draw the line and say enough, because it's your money - not the council's.
I will work for you. In just three years I have activated a housing strategy, securing $29.3m of government funding that will enable real change.
I offer fresh leadership with private and public sector experience having run my own business, an NGO, worked in a Cabinet Minister's office, and served as your councillor. Vote for McCann, a Mayor that CAN.
Affiliation: Independent
Phone: 021 599648
Email: [email protected]
Also standing for: Paraparaumu Ward
My principal place of residence is in the Kapiti Coast District Council area. I am also standing for Paraparaumu Ward.
Fellow Kapiti residents, I ask for your support to represent you as your next Mayor.
I made a commitment to listen and bring your voice to Council, have been an advocate for the community's views and have been accessible to all in my community to help in resolution of their issues.
WHY? Because I believe this work and how our District develops is important. You are important.
Promises delivered: Addressing housing, economic development strategy, climate and sustainability, Kāpiti Community Centre and Waikanae Library budgeted for, battling against the contentious Gateway, incorporating age-friendly communities into the positive ageing strategy.
Future Priorities: Ongoing work in the above. Issues with regulatory process.
A strong voice for Kāpiti in Central Government reform. Health services delivered to Kapiti by the new Health Agency.
Vote HALLIDAY #1 for a Mayor that will go the extra mile, treat all as equally important and prioritise listening.
[email protected]
Phone: 021 1957635
Email: [email protected]
Also standing for: Districtwide, Waikanae Community Board
My principal place of residence is in the Kapiti Coast District Council area. I am also standing for District Wide Councillor, Waikanae Community Board.
With over 20 years working with or for local government on strategy, governance and project monitoring, and national advisory roles in transport and urban design, I'll bring this experience to the Council table for the benefit of Käpiti.
Last year with the help of an 1100 signature petition I was successful in getting council to look at alternative approaches to waste management.
Originally from the UK, I've lived in Käpiti since 2007, my children went to local schools. I'm a business owner and dance teacher.
The coast is a wonderful place to live, work and play. It needs strong representation to navigate the changing needs of our community.
Financial responsibility; transparency and collaboration will be my focus as they are necessary to achieve pragmatic, cost-effective solutions.
I'll advocate for greater use of community skills in council projects.
I'll ensure your voice is listened to and acted on.
Affiliation: Independent
Phone: 021 445521
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Kapiti Coast District Council area.
I have lived in Kapiti for 39 years - Paekakariki and Otaihanga. Previously I was Executive Director of the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists. This provided experience working with both central and local government.
My focus is on:
1. Encroachment of central government on local government. Things should be done locally except where it makes better sense to do them regionally or nationally.
2. KCDC providing forceful advocacy for improved access to healthcare services in our new highly centralised health system.
3. The Local Government Act requires KCDC to "enable democratic local decision-making and action by, and of communities." I want to build on current efforts to empower communities through participatory democracy.
4. Ensuring that climate change is at the forefront of decision-making, including coastline, housing and transportation.
5. Supporting practical and culturally focussed infrastructure development for our towns and villages and for the inter-connectiveness of the whole Coast.
Phone: 027 5364614
Email: [email protected]
Also standing for: Ōtaki Community Board
My principal place of residence is in the Kapiti Coast District Council area. I am also standing for Ötaki Community Board.
I have operated my architectural practice on the Kapiti Coast for forty years, my wife is an Otaki Vet, my daughter is a Kapiti Doctor.
I am a Kapiti Coast Council Civic award recipient for services to the community for such organisations as friends of the Otaki River, Katihiku Marae, Montessori, Kapiti Women's centre, Otaki Rugby Club, Kapiti Aeroclub and others.
I am past chair of Kapiti Youth Support and President of Paraparaumu Rotary.
My interests include farming, tramping, owner-manager of the Otaki Airfield.
I am past deputy Chair of the Otaki Community Board.
I personally funded and provided a building for Youth Health Services in Otaki, organised the restoration of the walkways at Haruatai Park and am current chair of the Otaki Food Bank.
I would ensure the best representation and share of resources including health, housing, public transport, shared paths and food for Kapiti.
Phone: 027 5114291
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Kapiti Coast District Council area.
Hello! I have lived in Käpiti for 9 years. I'm a writer, IT contractor and mother. I have wide-ranging experience in policy and working with my community for change. I think Kāpiti could be fantastic for all of us. A place where everyone has a warm home, good water and enough to eat. Where women, children and everybody lives free from violence and discrimination.
Where you don't need a car to get to shops and services. Where businesses and people have a fair go. Where climate change is taken seriously, the land, rivers and ocean are protected, and the role of mana whenua is upheld. If elected I'll support housing efforts, safe communities, emissions reduction and
improving public transport. I'll be clear about what's going on, listen to different views and make practical decisions based on the best evidence, the best ideas and a commitment to people and the planet.
Affiliation: Independent
Phone: 021 0452762
Email: [email protected]
Also standing for: Ōtaki Community Board
My principal place of residence is in the Kapiti Coast District Council area. I am also standing for Ötaki Community Board.
Kia Ora The Kapiti Coast is my principle place of residence. I bring proven experience as a councillor and the ability to deliver effective lobbying on issues that are important to you. Having a politicly independent voice on council is more important now than ever, starting the first petition for public consultation on 3Waters reform and my lone vote against a decade of rates rises in the LTP while so many Kapiti households struggle show how your needs are my priority. Through roles on Regional and community groups and as an R.M.A Hearings Chairperson I will continue to action sustainability with planned protection of our green spaces and waterways as Kapiti grows. Council must be accountable for the delivery of services and projects on time and on budget. and residents encourage me to continue to voice fiscal common sense. I look forward to working with you and for you.
Phone: 021 1957635
Email: [email protected]
Also standing for: Mayor, Waikanae Community Board
My principal place of residence is in the Kapiti Coast District Council area. I am also standing for Waikanae Community Board, Mayor - Kapiti Coast District Council.
I have 20 years experience working with local government on strategy, governance and project monitoring. I have been a national advisor for transport and urban design. My experience of national housing and urban development issues will prove invaluable in light of our district's growth.
I moved to Kapiti in 2007. I'm a mum, business owner, dance teacher and Chartered Transport professional. I'm active in the community and last year, with a 1,100 signature petition I successfully influenced council to look at alternative approaches to the provision of waste management services for Waikanae.
I will focus on being accountable to the local community in terms of financial responsibility, transparency and collaboration to achieve pragmatic cost effective solutions.
I'll advocate for greater use of community skills in council projects. I will ensure your voice is listened to and acted on. I'll provide strong representation to navigate the changing needs of our community.
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Kapiti Coast District Council area.
My wife and I have lived in Käpiti for over 22 years; our 3 daughters have grown up here - we love Kāpiti!
I'm a pastor and have an Engineering degree. I am passionate about our community's health and wellbeing, equity and in building a prosperous legacy for future generations.
I am an active leader in the Käpiti Community Sector through Käpati Impact, and hold governance roles for a number of organisations in Aotearoa. I have served on School Boards locally for 9 years and am currently Paraparaumu College Board Chair.
Integrity, optimism, pragmatism and strategic big-picture thinking characterise me. My experience working collaboratively with staff and volunteers, both as a team member and leader, will help me be an effective Councillor.
I would be grateful if you vote '1' for me.
Kia ora!
Affiliation: Independent
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Kapiti Coast District Council area.
I am a long-term Kapiti resident. I operate a successful legal practice employing local people and supporting the local business community.
I bring more than 20 years of local governments experience to the table, including chairing the Waikanae Community Board for 7.5 years and Waikanae Ward Councillor for 5 years. I therefore bring experience, enthusiasm and understanding to the role of an elected member. I won't be deterred from say it how it is.
Focus on core council activities is my aim. On going protection of our environment is vital, including the ecology of the Waikanae River.
Spending control on deliverable projects remains my aim thus stopping the past haemorrhage of ratepayer's money on poorly costed, badly thought out activities. My pledge has always been that I will only vote to spend ratepayer's money when the project is properly cost, robustly researched and environmentally sound.
Affiliation: Independent
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Kapiti Coast District Council area.
Education: Kuranui College, Te Aute College and Massey University.
Employment: Manager of two offices in Waikanae and Otaki.
Along with my wife and son, I have been a resident on the Kapiti Coast for just over 21 years. Prior to the Kapiti Coast, we lived in Wairarapa and Ireland.
I'm passionate about the Kapiti Coast, and believe in spending money on needs, not wants. Projects that are fully researched and thoroughly costed are deserving to be investigated. Projects on whims are not.
If elected I can assure you that I will do my best for the district.
Rates increases should not be of right, rather they should occur only if necessary.
The needs of the Kapiti Coast residents will always be at the forefront of my thinking, if elected.
Affiliation: Independent
Phone: 021 313339
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Kapiti Coast District Council area.
I'm a long term resident having set up my financial planning business, Moneymax, here 23 years ago following a successful management career. I am an active Rotarian, former Chair of the Chamber of Commerce, and was heavily involved in the creation of Kapiti's first Economic Development Strategy. I am the founding Chair of KEDA (Kapiti Economic Development Association) and fought hard to help establish Work Ready Kapiti, an organisation focussed on youth employment. For nine years I served as the Deputy Chair of Nikau Foundation and established the Nikau Kapiti Fund and Creative Kapiti Fund. As a trustee of Creative Kapiti Charitable Trust, I am a keen supporter of the arts. Kapiti needs visionary leadership to achieve its potential. It also needs sound financial management.
Above all, Council needs to listen to and serve its community. I offer Kapiti my skills in these areas along with integrity, trustworthiness and passion.
Ōtaki Ward (1 vacancy)
Phone: 0272016435
Email: [email protected]
Also standing for: Ōtaki Community Board
My principal place of residence is in the Ōtaki Ward area. I am also standing for Ōtaki Community Board.
Chris Papps for Ötaki Ward Councillor.
Chris Papps wants to be your next Ōtaki Ward Councillor.
She has served the people of Ōtaki as a member of the Ōtaki Community Board for the past nine years, six of them as Chair of the Board. As Chair she attends most District Council meetings and briefings and takes an active part, when allowed, in the debates. She has a clear view of how Council and the Council administration works, or doesn't. As Ōtaki Ward Councillor she knows she will be in a stronger position to advance and argue the causes which most affect Ōtaki and the interests of its people.
Over the past six years she has played an active role in dealing with the issues arising from the PP2Ō expressway while continuing to argue strongly for improved public transport.
Chris Papps is focused on the future for Ōtaki.
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Ōtaki Ward area.
I am Otaki Born & Bred, and I will be a strong voice at council for our community.
I have spent many years in voluntary roles in the community, earning 2 volunteer awards. I lead the 'Otaki safe crossings group' that saw positive road safety outcomes to keep our kids safe. I am Co-founder & Co-chair of a national advocacy network that is working with government and other agencies on change to legislation. As a Registered Nurse I am currently Team Lead of Mid Central DHB's Covid response in Horowhenua.
On the Otaki Community Board for 6 years and currently Otaki College Board of Trustee's Deputy chair, I am focussed on Otaki having a voice that represents the past, and plans well for the future of our town.
Otaki needs to be recognised for all its assets, especially its people. People that make this town the special place we love.
Waikanae Ward (2 vacancies)
Phone: 021 957 623
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Waikanae Ward area.
I have lived in Waikanae with my wife Diana since 2008. We love it here and are actively involved in the community.
We have seen considerable growth and change, which will undoubtedly continue, with opportunities and challenges for us all. Yet, Waikanae seems to be in the background as far as council thinking goes, certainly compared to others.
Infrastructure maintenance and development is underfunded with delays common. Waikanae also lacks vision and a plan for maximising our growth benefits and ensuring the future success and vibrancy of our diverse Waikanae communities.
This cannot be allowed to continue. We need to be at the forefront of the KCDC thinking, now and in the critical years ahead.
I have the energy, drive, passion and skill set to successfully advocate for Waikanae at the council table. It would be my privilege and honour to represent you and the Waikanae you want to see.
Phone: 021 2616449
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Waikanae Ward area.
I am passionate about the Kapiti Coast and now that I am retired, I wish to use my experience to help the council improve its services to the community. There is a need to make the Coast a more vibrant place to live with better services and recreational activities. Not only for the current community but to attract those with the skills the Coast is short of, such as medical practitioners.
As National president of Arthritis New Zealand, I gained experience in management and lobbying overcoming obstacles to get things done. My background includes business analysis, finance and my last role in the work force was in finance marketing and sales. There is a need to attract investment in the Coast to make it a destination that is now easier to reach on the new expressway as opposed to just passing by.
Phone: 0212843339
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Waikanae Ward area.
I was proud to represent Kapiti as your Greater Wellington regional councillor for nine years and one significant achievement was bringing electrification of the rail to Waikanae and building the new Railway Station here.
As a long-time Waikanae resident, I bring an honest, hardworking common-sense approach to political decision making. The success or failure of councils is their ability to work as a team to achieve well-defined community-oriented goals.
In representing the Waikanae Ward, I undertake to fully represent all the ward's constituent parts with their challenges and opportunities - Te Horo, Peka Peka, Te Horo Beach, Waikanae Beach, Reikorangi, Waikanae Downs. My focus is on prioritising Waikanae's Library, upgrading local facilities including the Waikanae Beach and Reikorangi community halls.
My knowledge, experience and the ability to get things done will benefit Waikanae's interests at the council table, focussing on the best delivery of core services.
Vote Wilson #1
Affiliation: Independent
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Waikanae Ward area.
The Waikanae Library must be built this triennium. The KCDC pre election report in 2019 said "We're working on solving some serious issues such as the former Waikanae Library building". Three Years later, yes, 3 years on, we are still only at the 'pop up library' stage. The current economic conditions demand that ratepayers hard earned payments are not squandered on nice to haves such as the Gateway project. The Waikanae Library rebuild is a worthy endeavour that deserves more immediate attention. A desirable nice to have, on the other hand, would be to experience more 'open to the public' council meetings.
I am an approachable, community minded person, with excellent negotiation skills. I bring commercial experience and a considered manner. I believe Waikanae ward issues have not been given their due attention. I will raise the bar, to enable better outcomes for the Waikanae community.
Affiliation: Independent
Phone: 021 1110825
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Waikanae Ward area.
I am privileged to have served this community as its ward councillor for the last 3 years.
I'm a long-term Waikanae resident and it's where we raised our children.
I have a scientific and regulatory background, and am from a farming background.
I make decisions using my skills, experience, values, and financial prudence. I listen to my community. I'm a major supporting voice for the new Waikanae Library, Mahara Gallery, a full interchange at Peka Peka, and making the Waikanae Beach Hall fit for purpose. My full support for these will continue.
I am prepared to stand up and be counted. I voted against the Gateway, and closing the Waikanae Recycling Centre. I voted for retaining community boards, this Ward and for another Waikanae Ward Councillor. I have supported residents with issues from polluted streams, flooding to infrastructure.
I stand for the values of respect, integrity, honesty, transparency and inclusiveness.
Phone: 027 3917058
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Waikanae Ward area.
Tenei te mihi atu kia koutou nga motu o Kapiti ko Jordon Marshall Wansbrough tenei. He uri no Te Ati Awa.
I've always loved being on the coast. Growing up on Waikanae Beach as a child, provided many fond memories of riding on the beach with my family. I am a Rongoa practitioner, have a passion for healing, animals and nature.
Currently serving on two boards, and I'm a representative for Heart Kids. I would like to bring a voice to the younger members of the Waikanae community to make sure our next generations are heard.
He korero mai I nga kanohi o te rangatahi mokopuna e hiahia ana au ki te kite I tatou renga a muri ake nei ki te kawe I te wero o Kapiti me te hapai ake I te mana o Te Ati Awa Ki Whakarongotai.
Noho ra mai Jordon Wansbrough.
Paraparaumu Ward (3 vacancies)
Phone: 021 204 6975
Email: [email protected]
Also standing for: Paraparaumu Community Board
My principal place of residence is in the Paraparaumu Ward area. I am also standing for Paraparaumu Community Board.
I'm a current Councillor for the Paraparaumu Ward. During my time on Council my strong knowledge of the community and legal background have helped me successfully represent the interests of residents. I support seniors through the Older Persons Council.
I am in touch with things that matter to our residents. I have taken a special interest in road safety, footpaths, covered bus stops, coastal erosion and Maclean Park including new toilets.
I am concerned with the cost of living affecting all residents.
Our council has limited income which must be committed to core council activities. With this in mind I have not supported the proposed Gateway. Prudent management of council spending is needed.
Our environment is important. Climate change means we must speed up our flood risk programme.
My commitment is to making Kapiti a better place to live.
Affiliation: Independent
Phone: 027 363 5416
Email: [email protected]
Also standing for: Paraparaumu Community Board
My principal place of residence is in the Paraparaumu Ward area. I am also standing for Paraparaumu Community Board.
I have lived on the Kapiti Coast for most of my life. I have watched it grow, witnessed its growing pains and deeply understand its many opportunities and the many challenges we also face.
Over much of 21 years I been privileged to serve the Kapiti Coast - a community I am immensely proud of. I have been a District Councillor, an advocate on local Health issues and Community Board representative, I genuinely care for the health and wellbeing of residents. I believe in action not just words, and my record speaks for itself. I have always been focused on delivering, and if elected, I will continue be a strong voice for Kapiti residents on Health, 3 Waters Project, Housing, Road Safety, and capital projects like the Indoor Sports & Recreation Centre and Te Newhanga Community Centre. A vote for me is a vote for action, not empty promises.
Affiliation: Independent
Phone: 0274 452 650
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Paraparaumu Ward area.
My three main aims are Rates Control, Successful Council, and Paraparaumu.
As a previous Mayor and Councillor of Hutt City, Regional Councillor, and Health Board member, I will hit the road running.
I am a Justice of the Peace, and chartered accountant in public practice, having worked as a corporate treasurer and financial controller. I have lived in Kapiti for 11 years.
In my term as Mayor of Hutt City we worked as a team achieving New Zealand Best Results in rates and debt reduction, plus record capital spending. Support of cultural and sporting activities was well achieved.
I would aim to achieve a successful Council team, and seeking and supporting excellence from staff.
I will seek Council's support for local businesses, schools, health services, seniors' communities and for successful housing solutions. These require cooperation with the government of the day and Council is well placed to achieve this.
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Paraparaumu Ward area.
As a councillor I will bring back common sense to decision making in the best interests of Paraparaumu residents; by supporting projects that are focused on core functions of council such as roading, infrastructure, footpaths, pools, parks, libraries.
Anything outside of core business will need to be backed by the community and stand up financially.
The proposed rates increases are not sustainable, council must accept the cost of living crisis.
We need to stop projects such as the Kapiti Gateway which I will 100% vote to cancel!
I bring 18 years of policing skills and the last 4 years in a local small business as such bring the ability to investigate, analyse, problem solve and understand community need. I bring integrity and honesty.
It is an exciting time to live in Kapiti - we just need people who will listen and not waste your hard earned rates. I won't!
Affiliation: Independent
Phone: 021 599648
Email: [email protected]
Also standing for: Mayor
My principal place of residence is in the Paraparaumu Ward area. I am also standing for Mayor - Kapiti Coast District Council.
It has been a privilege to work with you, my community, over the past 3 years as your Ward
I have followed through on my promise to be accessible to my community. I have listened, made enquiries, mediated and reported back, to help in the resolution of many individual and collective group issues.
These have been challenging times with covid, Government reform, absence of support/mentorship and a lot to learn, but I believe I have made a difference and know with your support there is still a lot more I can achieve.
Some Goals for the next Triennium: Deliver Community Centre; Support and empower Wharemauku Park, stream restoration and Whale song development; Support and help the Community Board be an effective tool for the community; Empower community initiatives; Help community members with local issues; Update local outcome Statements; Hapu, Iwi, Maori engagement.
Vote Martin Halliday #1.
Affiliation: Independent
Phone: 021 366377
Email: [email protected]
Also standing for: Paraparaumu Community Board
My principal place of residence is in the Paraparaumu Ward area. I am also standing for Paraparaumu Community Board.
I moved to the Kapiti Coast in 2019 and, with my wife, operate a small business that serves our community. I've held a position as Principal Architect at the Ministry of Health, designing the national health information platform, and am now retired.
The health sector reforms will dramatically affect all New Zealanders, especially the establishment of new Health Localities. Community involvement is central to the success of this project. My ten years of experience in the Health Sector have given me an in-depth understanding of the machinery of government and insight into the direction of the proposed reforms.
Current government reforms will significantly impact local communities. As an Enterprise Solutions Architect, my ability to question and challenge proposed changes and promote strategic approaches will be invaluable to the community.
Phone: 027 2433604
Email: [email protected]
Also standing for: Mayor
My principal place of residence is in the Paraparaumu Ward area. I am also standing for Mayor.
As a successful business person with a long-time involvement in our community, I bring the background skills necessary to make an impact for you at the Kapiti council table.
Käpiti faces many challenges but equally we are presented with many opportunities. I want to bring my common sense problem solving skills to council.
Massive rates increases are creating genuine hardship for many households and for many they are unsustainable.
We need to always be looking for better ways to get better outcomes at affordable costs.
My style of leadership is inclusive. That formula works well in business and it can work in politics. A lot more consultation with the community and lots less consultation with the consultants and we will all be better off.
I ask for your #1 vote but if you have a preferred candidate I would be pleased to be your #2 choice.
Email [email protected]
Paekākāriki–Raumati Ward (1 vacancy)
Phone: 021 0894 7590
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Paekākāriki-Raumati Ward area.
There is so much more to do, and now's the time.
Firstly, thank you. Over the last three years, I've felt honoured and supported to serve and represent the place we love and call home.
Collectively, we have increased investment in expanding youth services, adopted the Climate Emergency Action Framework, established a Raumati Community Board, championed our community's aspirations and signed off on Te Tupu Pai - our district growth strategy which puts our people and planet at its core.
There are challenges and opportunities in Käpiti's midst, and we need dynamic, collaborative and intergenerational leadership if we are to create an equitable and sustainable future for our district, today.
My commitment and connections to our diverse community alongside my proven ability to work efficiently and effectively put me in a prime position to continue the mahi.
The next generation is counting on us.
Visit for more.
Affiliation: Independent
Phone: 027 8391961
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Paekākāriki-Raumati Ward area.
Since 2018 I have developed an affinity for our diverse, beautiful community.
Gaining citizenship on Raukawa Marae instilled a deep respect for mana whenua and all residents of the rohe we call home.
I volunteer at Raumati miniature railway, knowing that safe well-maintained facilities enhance everyone's environment. I'll work to improve facilities and reduce environmental impact.
I'm a Chartered Engineer (32 years) and business owner, and will bring technical experience to discussions on transport, coastal protection, waters and infrastructure to maintain our thriving resilient community and using commercial skills to seek best value for ratepayers.
I advocated for updated parking bylaws, improving safety on Te-Ara-o-Whareroa path in QE Park and Poplar Avenue. I promote safer walking, cycling and mobility options between and within Paekäkäriki and Raumati.
It would be a privilege to represent you in Council.
Phone: 0272016435
Email: [email protected]
Also standing for: Ōtaki Ward
My principal place of residence is in the Ōtaki Community Board area. I am also standing for Ōtaki Ward.
For the past nine years Chris Papps has been an active and effective member of the Ōtaki Community Board. For six of those years she has been Chair of the Board, leading it through the positive and negative effects of the Peka Peka to Ōtaki expressway construction. In 2021, she also helped lead and coordinate the Board and community's fight against Council's proposal to abolish the four Kāpiti Community Boards.
Chris believes in the community boards and their grassroots importance to the people of Kāpiti and Ōtaki.
She is also standing as Ward Councillor for Ōtaki. Should she win she will be in a position to continue supporting the Board by bringing her knowledge and understanding of Council's people and processes to bear on the many issues facing Ōtaki today and tomorrow.
Chris Papps is focused on the future for Ōtaki.
Phone: 0275364614
Email: [email protected]
Also standing for: Districtwide
My principal place of residence is in the Ōtaki Community Board area. I am also standing for District Wide Ward.
I operate my architectural and building arbitration business from Otaki, my wife is an Otaki Vet, my daughter is a Kapiti Doctor.
I am a Kapiti Coast Council Civic award recipient for services to the community for such organisations as friends of the Otaki River, Katihiku Marae, Otaki Montessori Kapiti Women's centre, Otaki Rugby Club, Aviation and others. I am past Chairman of Kapiti Youth Support and President of Rotary.
My interests include farming, tramping, foundation shareholder-manager of the Otaki Airstrip.
I am a past deputy Chair of the Otaki community board. I personally funded and provided a building for Youth Health Services in Otaki, organised the restoration of the walkways through the Otaki Sanitorium to Haruatai Park and am current chair of the Otaki Food Bank.
I would ensure the best representation and share of resources including health, housing, public transport, shared paths and food for Otaki Whanau.
Affiliation: Independent
Phone: 021 674 323
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Ōtaki Community Board area.
Hi everyone, my name is Simon Black, and I'd love to be considered for election to the Ōtaki Community Board.
I believe in transparency, accountability and smart funding to support a thriving community.
Ōtaki has been my home for over 6 years now, and I've always felt welcomed by our wonderful community.
I'm a Senior Firefighter, and Secretary of the Ōtaki Volunteer Fire Brigade. This, along with my membership of Ōtaki Pottery Club and association with local Scouts and Keas, reflects how deeply my heart is linked to this community.
As a successful local business owner, I know how to nurture small groups and teams to help them prosper. Ōtaki is full of incredible families, businesses and creatives, and I believe there's a desire here to be more self-sustaining.
I can offer strong advocacy skills within KCDC, smart fundraising and project management skills to help our community grow and thrive.
Phone: 0212255684
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Ōtaki Community Board area.
I have served 3 terms on Otaki Community Board, 2 as deputy chair. My Portfolios include Otaki Community Network Group (chair), foodbank committee (deputy chair), Otaki Health & Wellbeing Group, representative on Community Board Executive Committee (national body). I demonstrate my commitment to our community both local & global through Rotary International, I am District Governor for our district spanning from Taranaki across to Dannevirke & down to Wellington. I have been involved with Rotary for close to 30 years. I have been very involved with PP2Ö Project attending as many meetings as possible, ensuring the peoples voice gets heard, I am very aware of the issues residents are facing as I am an affected party myself. Recent initiatives are fundraising to help with humanitarian aid for Ukranian refugees. Also Rotary has raised funds for 2 whanau rooms at the new Wellington Children's Hospital.
Phone: 021 703095
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is not in the Ōtaki Community Board area.
Tēnā Koutou katoa, I'm a Te Horo resident with my wife and two young boys (soon to be at Ōtaki College) and I would like to represent Ōtaki on the Community Board once more.
There are some exciting and challenging times ahead for Ōtaki and it is important that the Ōtaki Community Board has strong representation, so that our community views can be expressed to the KCDC - this is why during my first term on the board I worked hard to ensure that the Ōtaki Community Board were retained.
My no-nonsense attitude, strong community focus and ability to get things done, will be assets to the Ōtaki Community Board. I am the Chair of the Ōtaki Promotions Group, a passionate canoe polo player and sports coach in hockey and canoe polo.
For a strong community minded focus, put #1 next to Cam Butler.
Ngā mihi nui.
Affiliation: Independent
Phone: 021 0452762
Email: [email protected]
Also standing for: Districtwide
My principal place of residence is in the Ōtaki Community Board area. I am also standing for District Wide Councillor.
Kia ora The Otaki Ward has been my whanaus principle place of residence for 16 years. My three triennium time as a Kapiti councillor started as an Otaki Community Board member in 2012. I am keen to bring the benefits of effective experienced lobbying, established Te Whakaminenga, council and community connections to enhance outcomes for our hometown. Through my roles on many regional and community groups and as an RMA hearings chairperson I will continue to action sustainability with planned protection of our green spaces and waterways as Otaki manages unprecedented growth. It has been exciting bringing planned Papakeunga opportunities and lobbying to enable tiny homes through recent planning documents. My focus remains on connected train services, clean energy opportunities, access to timely health services and reducing the harm of gambling and addictions. Otaki I look forward to working with you and for you.
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Ōtaki Community Board area.
After the recent tragic events in our Ōtaki community, I am compelled to promote long term community transformation that truly benefits our families and young people.
With over 40 years of experience, 23 of which was at WelTec teaching electrical and computer engineering, plus TV and radio broadcasting. I am passionate about seeing change in the lives of young people as they are the future of our nation.
Moving to Ōtaki in 2005 I ran the Coehaven Theatre, worked at RNZ and now currently work part time in the media industry. My focus will be on serving and uplifting our community in Ōtaki to benefit those who live here by promoting great mental health and strong, loving, secure families.
There is much work to be done and I am willing to get the rubber to meet the road and work to see projects that benefit our community across the line.
I muri iho i nga mahi whakararuraru i roto i to tātau iwi o Ōtaki, ka meinga ahau ki te whakatoko i te huringa ketanga o te hapori kia tino whai painga ai ki o tātau whānau me te rangatahi.
I mahi ahau ki WelTec e whakaako ana i te pūkaha hiko me te pūkaha rorohiko, tae atu ki te pāohotanga pouaka whakaata me te reo irirangi.
I ahau i Otaki, ka whakahaere i te Whare Pikitia o Coehaven, I RNZ, ā, ināianei kei te mahi i te umanga pāpāho.
Ko taku arotahi, ko te whakatairanga o te hapori kia whai painga ai te hunga mā te whakapiki i te hauora hinengaro, i te whānau aroha, haumaru hoki.
Waikanae Community Board (4 vacancies)
Affiliation: Independent
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Waikanae Community Board area.
I am a current member of the Waikanae Community Board. My family have lived in Waikanae for 13 years. I work for a housing company with a specific focus on delivering high performing affordable homes, I also co-own and operate a local Waikanae residential building business.
Issues I would tackle are realising a proper Waikanae library, I am part of the Library Advisory Group, rejuvenating Waikanae Park which has significant investment in the next triennium, establishing a better beach community hall and ensuring other community halls get into long term funding plans for significant upgrade/replacement.
Waikanae contributes substantially to rates revenue annually; I'll advocate for the right level of community services reinvestment we deserve with affordable, fair, equitable annual rates contributions especially fixed-income households.
With two trienniums on the board, I stand again as a realist understanding where I can tangibly influence making a difference to protect Waikanae's distinctive character.
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Waikanae Community Board area.
I have been resident in Waikanae for around 40 years, raising my family of four children. For five years I ran a publishing and secretarial service from Millers Building in the town centre called BIOS - "Barbara Ireland Office Services".
My further work in Wellington was with a Legal firm - a Publishing House and as a Polytechnic Tutor in Computer Studies.
My ancestry afforded me the life skills of "Waste not, want not" - "Your name is all you have, so keep it clean", and "live on the smell of an oily rag" - qualities needed in the challenges we face together in the future.
As my retirement continues in this community I am in a position to become a useful member of a group that cares for future.
Affiliation: Independent
Phone: 021 1957635
Email: [email protected]
Also standing for: Mayor, Districtwide
My principal place of residence is in the Waikanae Community Board area. I am also standing for Mayor, District Wide Councillor.
I'm a mum, business owner, dance teacher and Chartered Transport professional. I speak up. I challenge. I look for different ways of delivering outcomes. I'm a strategic thinker that is hands on and solution driven.
I moved to Waikanae in 2007. My children grew up in Waikanae and attended Kapakapanui School. I teach weekly adult and children dance classes.
I have always been active in the community and last year, with a 1,100 signature petition, I was successful in getting council to look at alternative approaches to waste management for Waikanae. My 20 year professional career has been in or for local government on strategy, governance and project monitoring. I held national advisory roles in transport and urban development and senior management roles in central government in housing and health. I'll ensure your views are listened to and acted upon to deliver projects in Waikanae for today and the future.
Phone: 027 3455964
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Waikanae Community Board area.
Te Horo is in the Waikanae ward and I wish to give our diverse rural community a voice on our council.
I co-ordinate the Te Horo community group of 1,500 members online, that is engaging and informative, that also includes Peka Peka.
I'm a member of MenzShed, Kapiti Rainbow Club, volunteer with Zero Waste Ötaki
I've had a career in the non-profit sector with Scout Association, NZ Red Cross.
I regularly write for our community newspaper reporting on local issues and highlighting our local heros and success.
I'm a graphic artist, landscaper working around Te Horo.
I will advocate and listen to local in my community, to allow their voice be heard. I'm a motivated, passionate and positive communicator and want the best outcomes for Te Horo, Peka Peka and Waikanae.
Phone: 021 1045011
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Waikanae Community Board area.
I am standing again for the Waikanae Community Board to continue the work started midway through the last term. The Key projects I would like to see advanced are the replacement of the Waikanae Library, the maintenance and redevelopment of our local community halls and the continuing development of Waikanae Park.
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Waikanae Community Board area.
I would like to be elected to the Waikanae Community Board. I believe that I have the skills and experience necessary to make a positive contribution. Serving on both the Käpiti College and Kapakapanui School Boards as well as being a volunteer firefighter has given me a unique perspective on our community. I live and work for myself in Waikanae as an Urban Planner. In my job I communicate with a variety of stakeholders and implement creative solutions to unique and challenging problems. I am a 'big picture' thinker that likes to bring a vision and lead by example. Most importantly, I am a creative thinker and good communicator in a variety of cultural contexts.
I welcome the opportunity to use my skills and experience to help the Waikanae Community.
Paraparaumu Community Board (4 vacancies)
Phone: 021 2624 645
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is not in the Paraparaumu Community Board area.
A Kapiti Coaster for over 50 years, I have an excellent knowledge and understanding of Kapiti's issues and concerns. Currently, I'm Deputy Chair of the Paraparaumu Raumati Community Board and have used my position to strongly advocate on behalf
of the community. My focus is on keeping costs down for ratepayers; a goal I have been actively carrying out for the last several years. I brought to the public's attention KCDC's plans to build the Gateway to Kapiti Island - an extravagant waste of ratepayers money - I will continue to fight against this folly. I will work towards having an efficient Council that puts the
public first, and will strive to reduce red tape, and unnecessary rules and regulations. My vision is for a Council that delivers long-term sustainable core-services; satisfying the needs of a dynamic and growing community.
Phone: 021 204 6975
Email: [email protected]
Also standing for: Paraparaumu Ward
My principal place of residence is in the Paraparaumu Ward area. I am also standing for Paraparaumu Community Board.
I'm a current Councillor for the Paraparaumu Ward. During my time on Council my strong knowledge of the community and legal background have helped me successfully represent the interests of residents. I support seniors through the Older Persons Council.
I am in touch with things that matter to our residents. I have taken a special interest in road safety, footpaths, covered bus stops, coastal erosion and Maclean Park including new toilets.
I am concerned with the cost of living affecting all residents.
Our council has limited income which must be committed to core council activities. With this in mind I have not supported the proposed Gateway. Prudent management of council spending is needed.
Our environment is important. Climate change means we must speed up our flood risk programme.
My commitment is to making Kapiti a better place to live.
Phone: 0275 44 66 77
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Paraparaumu Community Board area.
Kia Ora, I'm Karl Webber, I'm from our three local Iwi, my whanau have resided at Paraparaumu Beach and Kapiti Island for 6+ generations. I have a passion for the Kapiti Coast and am always
looking for ways to support and add value to our community. I have been heavily involved in community focused issues for the past 30 years, whilst raising my two children.
I am well known on the coast for weaving people together. I like to connect and strengthen networks for the greater good of all parties. My focus on innovation and creative solutions has served me well in the many community projects I have had the privilege of working on.
My goal is to continue to be active in our community spaces and facilitate better connectivity and discussions between our community and elected members of council in regards to local issues and funding opportunities.
Affiliation: Independent
Phone: 027 363 5416
Email: [email protected]
Also standing for: Paraparaumu Community Board
My principal place of residence is in the Paraparaumu Ward area. I am also standing for Paraparaumu Community Board.
I have lived on the Kapiti Coast for most of my life. I have watched it grow, witnessed its growing pains and deeply understand its many opportunities and the many challenges we also face.
Over much of 21 years I been privileged to serve the Kapiti Coast - a community I am immensely proud of. I have been a District Councillor, an advocate on local Health issues and Community Board representative, I genuinely care for the health and wellbeing of residents. I believe in action not just words, and my record speaks for itself. I have always been focused on delivering, and if elected, I will continue be a strong voice for Kapiti residents on Health, 3 Waters Project, Housing, Road Safety, and capital projects like the Indoor Sports & Recreation Centre and Te Newhanga Community Centre. A vote for me is a vote for action, not empty promises.
Phone: 022 4169770
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Paraparaumu Community Board area.
I am passionate about Paraparaumu and the Kapiti region. I live with my wife and our preand school-aged children, close to my mother, a 50-year resident and senior citizen.
Born at Paraparaumu hospital, I grew up in Kapiti, attending Paraparaumu College before venturing overseas. I returned six years ago, knowing there is no better place to raise my family. I stand for the Paraparaumu Community Board, recognising the
importance of varied representation. As a board member, I will advocate for and ensure that all of our community's voice is heard, from our youth to our senior citizens. Keenly interested in sports, theatre, the arts and sustainable economic development, I am involved with several local community groups.
We must continue improving our community's environment and lifestyle, ensuring rates are affordable and that KCDC expenditure is beneficial and accountable. I would love the opportunity to represent you through our Community Board.
Affiliation: Independent
Phone: 021 366377
Email: [email protected]
Also standing for: Paraparaumu Ward
My principal place of residence is in the Paraparaumu Ward area. I am also standing for Paraparaumu Community Board.
I moved to the Kapiti Coast in 2019 and, with my wife, operate a small business that serves our community. I've held a position as Principal Architect at the Ministry of Health, designing the national health information platform, and am now retired.
The health sector reforms will dramatically affect all New Zealanders, especially the establishment of new Health Localities. Community involvement is central to the success of this project. My ten years of experience in the Health Sector have given me an in-depth understanding of the machinery of government and insight into the direction of the proposed reforms.
Current government reforms will significantly impact local communities. As an Enterprise Solutions Architect, my ability to question and challenge proposed changes and promote strategic approaches will be invaluable to the community.
Phone: 027 4409182
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Paraparaumu Community Board area.
I am a mum of 2 adult children and have worked as an Area Manager for Special Children's Events for the last 16 years organising an annual event for 1800 special needs children. I have lived in Kapiti for 8 years & my family have for over 25 years. If elected to the community board, I will listen to what the community wants & needs & will get the voices in our community heard. I will help local groups tap into the community funding that is available. I will help local business to set up a business association & get better promotion of our walkways, beaches, & local parks. I will also tackle the local crime & help make our community as safe as it can be. Lets leave our community in a better condition & leave our children and grandchildren a community they can be proud of.
Raumati Community Board (4 vacancies)
Affiliation: Independent
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Raumati Community Board area.
Having lived in Raumati South permanently for over 15 years and run businesses in Raumati Village for almost as long, I've seen enough to know that we have a special way of life in Raumati. Raumati is distinct from Paraparaumu and Paekakariki.
We have a slightly different approach to life, and a different vibe here.
Lots of changes are coming up over the next few years and establishing a Raumati Community Board was timely to ensure we can navigate those changes together as a community. The Raumati Community Board allows the voice for Raumati to be heard, and to help protect what matters to us here in Raumati. I would consider it a huge privilege to be part of helping the Raumati Community Board to find its voice and work hard for our local people.
To find out more search for me on Facebook: @votebede
Or email me [email protected]
Phone: 04 902 4573
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Raumati Community Board area.
I have been resident of Raumati Beach on and off since 1992 and became permanently attached in 2010.
I was also educated at Whitireia polytech at Lindale campus.
This community has done so much for me and it is time for me to give back and the Raumati Community Board is the best opportunity to start that service.
Affiliation: Independent
Phone: 0212329981
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Raumati Community Board area.
A Kapiti resident for over 30 years, I live in Raumati with my wife and 3 children. I have previously served on the Paraparaumu-Raumati Community Board including roles as Chair & Deputy Chair. I also work in vocational training and assessment.
Raumati is great place to live for me and my family. I wish to continue serving our community to ensure it remains this way.
With continuing growth in Kapiti we need to ensure there is prudent investment into Raumati whilst also ensuring Raumati maintains its special character. The role of a Community Board is to advocate and represent the views of the community. I believe in grass roots democracy. The best results for the community come from effective consultation and collaboration.
As a Board member I have focused on building positive relationships while working constructively with Council and the community to achieve community focused outcomes.
Phone: 020 41318029
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Raumati Community Board area.
I've spent 20 years as a lawyer advocating for people, and now I hope to be an advocate for the Raumati Community. A Raumati local, I'm currently a senior lawyer with our local Community Law Centre, representing people and groups who couldn't otherwise access justice. I've been a Director of two community-owned companies (running a newspaper and a radio station) so I know my way around budgets as well as by-laws.
If elected, I will ensure the voices of coastal communities are heard on the big challenges of coastal adaptation, social exclusion, and protecting and improving our beautiful environment.
Phone: 020 40993556
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Raumati Community Board area.
Fresh eyes and ears. My name is Tim Sutton. I am standing for election for the Raumati Community Board, because I want to make Raumati a better and safer community for all who live here, and an even more attractive and welcoming place for the many who visit Raumati.
I am currently the Executive Director of a non-profit, based in Wellington with staff and partners in Auckland and throughout Asia.
I bring many years of senior leadership and management experience including more than 25 years of working in International Development in Asia, Pacific and the Middle East. I know the value of being able to bring people together, who often have diverse or opposing views, to support them to express their views and to be able to listen and understand other views and together find a way forward.I hope you will give me the opportunity to serve our community.
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Raumati Community Board area.
Hi, I'm Tarn Sheerin, I am a Raumati Beach local and I love living on the Kapiti Coast.
I raise my teenage daughter and get involved in as much community activity as I can.
I love to meet people and like to offer advocacy, support or help wherever I can.
My activities with The Kapiti Kindness Trust, Kapiti Helping Kapiti and other groups, has given me the opportunity to build an excellent network of kind caring people working amongst our Kapiti community.
I will use various forms of media to keep the local community informed of whats going on around them and within council.
Im standing for the Raumati Community Board so I can continue building my networks, can represent the views and concerns of Raumati residents into council, to support and advocate for Individuals, groups, organisations and businesses who are in our Raumati community.
Paekākāriki Community Board (4 vacancies)
We have received four nominations for the Paekākāriki Community Board; therefore these Nominees are unopposed, and there will be no Paekākāriki Community Board election.
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Paekākāriki Community Board area.
Kia ora kautou, ko Sorcha Ruth ahau. I whakapapa to Ireland, and grew up in our beautiful village. I love our close, vibrant, diverse community, nestled between mountains and sea, and because of all that Paekākāriki has given me, I want to now give back through being on the board.
I have experience on my school board and with various community climate groups, and I'm currently studying environmental studies. I also worked in our pub, where I connected with many of you - an experience I hope to enjoy again as board member!
I want to support the initiatives and projects being done, to bring the community together, and to ensure a focus on protecting the wellbeing of our whenua. I bring a youth, future-focused, environmentally minded voice, with strong commitment and energy.
I would be honoured to work with our incredible community: lets get started!
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Paekākāriki Community Board area.
Kia ora e tu whanau, I acknowledge Ngāti Haumia Ki Paekākāriki and all that have gone before to make our community what it is today.
I'm standing to give something back to our village. I am unashamedly progressive and proud to support our village in all its diversity.
My policies are to push for enhanced road safety, especially around our wonderful school; to balance enhanced housing accessibility and the maintenance of our village's unique character; to support diversity, including by being on this year's Pride Committee. I'll also push for investment to protect our foreshore and the North End of Tilley Road from climate impacts. I'll support our arts community as I'm a DJ on Paekākāriki FM and help with station management. May my experience working in central and local government (KCDC) give me the patience to deal with them on your behalf.
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Paekākāriki Community Board area.
I am proud to call Paekākāriki home, and to have the opportunity to stand as a candidate for the Paekākāriki Community Board. Three generations of our whānau currently live in Paekākāriki, so I have a vested interest in ensuring that our community is well represented, and that community board members advocate for all ages.
Previous members of the community board have worked tirelessly to support the community and to ensure that the recognition of mana whenua is fundamental to any decision making or advocacy. It would be a privilege to continue this mahi as a member of the Paekākāriki Community Board. Paekākāriki, like many communities, is facing many challenges.
It is important that we have community board members to contribute to the kōrero at council level, and ensure our voice is not only heard, but that our views are considered when decisions are made that affect our community.
Phone: 022 6061325
Email: [email protected]
My principal place of residence is in the Paekākāriki Community Board area.
I grew up in Ahuriri, Napier and have lived in Paekākāriki for a year and a half with my partner who is a lifelong resident of Paekākāriki. I've quickly fallen in love with this community and we plan to raise a family here.
I've worked in child protection for the last several years and have recently started as a justice reform advocate. I'm an experienced campaigner and organiser and have governance experience as a member of the Green Party national executive. I look forward to using these skills to help support the goals of our community.
One of my top priorities will be ensuring the community board does everything it can to can support Ngāti Haumia ki Paekākāriki in their priorities as the mana whenua of this land.
I am also committed to supporting local community groups and clubs with environmental restoration, housing opportunities, and local social and cultural events