Guides and forms
Use the following guides and forms to apply or make a submission to Kāpiti Coast District Council.
- LIM reports
- Liquor/alcohol licencing
- Parking
- Rates (property and water)
- Rates inserts
- Rates remissions
- Resource consents – includes temporary events management plan
- Roads
- Subdivision and development
- Trade waste
- Trading in public places
- Waste collection and operation
- Wastewater
- Water conservation
- Water supply
Animals other than dogs or bees
Application to keep animals other than dogs or bees; including roosters, goats, pigs, etc, under the Keeping of Animals, Bees and Poultry Bylaw. See Dog and animal management for more information.
- Application to keep animals (other than dogs or bees) [PDF 85 KB]
- Application to keep animals (other than dogs or bees) (online application)
Kāpiti Good Sorts Awards
Find out more about criteria and how to nominate a Good Sort at Kāpiti Good Sorts Awards.
Bee keeping
- Application to keep bees in an urban area [PDF 157 KB]
- Application to keep bees in an urban area (online application form)
- Kāpiti District Endemic Flora Species List [PDF 1.04 MB]
- Business start-up meeting request form [PDF 177 KB]
Building consents
A full list of building consent forms, including the standard application form, and checklists to assist with your building consent application are available for download or print.
- Building consent application – SIMPLI
- Residential application for a building consent or PIM 256A [PDF 535 KB]
- Residential application for a building consent or PIM 256A [DOC 1.46 MB]
- Commercial and complex residential application for a building consent or PIM 256B [DOC 1.75 MB]
- Commercial and complex residential application for a building consent or PIM 256B [PDF 537 KB]
- Application for certificate of public use (form 437) [PDF 253 KB]
- Certificate of acceptance (form 331) [PDF 260 KB]
- Apply for code compliance certificate online – SIMPLI
- Apply for code compliance certificate (form 278) [PDF 279 KB]
- Apply for code compliance certificate (form 278) [DOC 508 KB]
- Application for building consent and/or PIM minor works (form 443) [PDF 279 KB]
- Application for building consent and/or PIM minor works (form 443) [DOC 508 KB]
- Application for code compliance certificate - solid fuel heater - form 278b [PDF 239 KB]
- Amendment to building consent – SIMPLI
- Application for amendment to building consent (form 265) [PDF 279 KB]
- Application for amendment to building consent (form 265) [DOC 482 KB]
- Request for a Building File (Form 122) (printable) [PDF 201 KB]
- Request for a Building File (Form 122) [DOCX 214 KB]
- Piped Services and Plumbing Stacks – Form 125 [PDF 193 KB]
- Drainage Work Installed (Form 126) [PDF 223 KB]
- Durability Modification (Form 578) [DOC 265 KB]
- As-Built Drawing Specification Guidance (Form 717) [PDF 169 KB]
- Request for Extension to Building Consent (Form 149) [DOCX 40 KB]
- Request for Extension to Building Consent (Form 149) [PDF 199 KB]
- TA Application for Discretionary Exemption (Form 256c) [DOC 325 KB]
- TA Application for Discretionary Exemption (Form 256c) [PDF 299 KB]
- Application for Amendment to Compliance Schedule – Form 330 [PDF 208 KB]
- Single residential dwelling and accessory building (checksheet 333) [PDF 245 KB]
- Single residential dwelling and accessory building (checksheet 333) [DOC 362 KB]
- Minor works (checksheet 336) [PDF 176 KB]
- Minor works (checksheet 336) [DOCX 242 KB]
- Multi-residential and industrial or commercial buildings (checksheet 337) [PDF 257 KB]
- Multi-residential and industrial or commercial buildings (checksheet 337) [DOC 381 KB]
- Certificate of acceptance (checksheet 335) [PDF 152 KB]
- Temporary Buildings checksheet (checksheet 334) [PDF 215 KB]
- Signs checksheet (checksheet 332) [PDF 179 KB]
- Certificate for public use (checksheet 444) [PDF 158 KB]
- Making a building consent authority complaint [PDF 98 KB]
- A Beginner's Guide to Resource and Building Consent Process - Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment website
- Getting a building consent on the Kāpiti Coast (Form 558) [PDF 1.79 MB]
- A Guide to the Inspection Process (Form 559) [PDF 473 KB]
- Building Consents – Natural Hazard Guidance Information (Form 570) [PDF 181 KB]
- Guide for completing an application for code of compliance certificate (278a) [PDF 178 KB]
Other forms
- Water Demand Management Declaration of Compliance – Form 164 [PDF 186 KB] [PDF 186 KB]
Complete this form along with a new residential or relocated dwelling application. - Form 2A Memorandum from licensed building practitioner (Certificate of Design Work) – MBIE
- Form 2B Statutory declaration as to owner-builder status – MBIE
- Form 2C Notice of Owner Builder – MBIE
- Form 6A Memorandum from licensed building practitioner (record of building work) – MBIE
- Form 134 Advising Council of your Licensed Building Practitioner [PDF 139 KB] [PDF 139 KB]
- Form 134 Advising Council of your Licensed Building Practitioner [DOC 353 KB] [DOC 353 KB]
Community Board funding
Waikanae Community Board
- Accountability Report [PDF 61 KB]
- Accountability Report [DOCX 21 KB]
- Waikanae Capital Improvement Grant Criteria and Application Form [PDF 91 KB]
- Waikanae Capital Improvement Grant Criteria and Application Form [DOCX 43 KB]
- Promotion Fund Criteria and Application form [PDF 141 KB]
- Promotion Fund Criteria and Application form [DOCX 57 KB]
- Discretionary Grants Fund Criteria and Application form [PDF 130 KB]
- Discretionary Grants Fund Criteria and Application form [DOCX 52 KB]
Council housing
The Kāpiti Coast District Council provides housing for qualifying older persons, and has over 118 flats in 10 locations throughout the District.
Find out more.
District Plan
- Further submission in support of, or opposition to, submission on notified proposed plan change (Form 6) [PDF 869 KB]
- For more information, see Proposed Plan Change 2.
- See District Plan for more information.
Dog ownership
The Dog ownership section of this site details the requirements for dog owners and their animal is the Kāpiti Coast District.
- Dog Registration Form [PDF 80 KB]
- Late dog registration fee waiver application form [PDF 829 KB]
- Application for Approved Owner Status [PDF 239 KB]
- Application for permit to Keep three or more dogs [DOCX 73 KB]
- Application for working/disability assist dog [DOCX 65 KB]
- Change of Ownership/Dog Transferred Out of District Notification Form [PDF 213 KB]
- Deceased Dog Declaration Form [PDF 290 KB]
- Neuter/Spey Declaration Form [PDF 185 KB]
Election signs guidelines
The Council has a role to administer the rules of the Electoral Act 1993 around where and when electoral signage can be displayed in the lead up to an election. Guidelines [PDF 2.9 MB] were developed for the General Election 2023 for the advice of candidates and the local community.
Candidate signs must meet Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency rules for any signage adjacent to state highways and expressways.
Council’s District Plan has restrictions on the placement of election signs, including the size of signs and the timings of when they can be displayed (see the Signs chapter, specifically compliance within rules SIGN R1 General Permitted Activity Standards, and SIGN R2 Election signs). Any signs outside of the permitted activities require a resource consent.;
Election signs can be displayed on approved sites for a period nine weeks prior to election day.
Who's responsible for what?
Our District Plan includes certain restrictions on where signs can be displayed. Signs can be up to 3 square metres (total area) in size.
Council-managed properties – there are 10 approved locations throughout the district. (Maps of permitted locations are shown in the guidelines [PDF 2.9 MB] ).
There are also specific rules for parked trailer signs and there are a number of streets around the district with high traffic volume where these cannot be used.
On private property – signs can be placed on private property with the written consent of the owner.
Be mindful of the hazards around using stakes in areas where there are underground services. Use wooden or non-metallic stakes, identify where power cables are located, and keep signage inside identified boundaries.
Our Compliance Services team can also offer more specific advice on the permitted placement of signs. Council will investigate any concerns raised by the community. Contact our Compliance Services team if you have any other questions.
See also the Electoral Commission's Candidate Handbook for the 2023 General Election.
Environmental health
The Food and health Licences section details the requirements for registering food and other business ventures with Council.
Food forms:
- Food registration – single site [DOCX 355 KB]
- Food registration – multiple site [DOCX 353 KB]
- Food stall approval at an event [DOCX 344 KB]
- Voluntary suspension of registered food control plan [DOCX 43 KB]
- Change of registration information – food business, single site [DOCX 54 KB]
Other forms:
- Register a camping ground [DOCX 217 KB]
- Register a funeral director [DOCX 214 KB]
- Register a funeral director [PDF 185 KB]
- Registration of hairdressing premises [DOCX 217 KB]
Application for Class 4 Gaming [PDF 234 KB]
Grants and funding
Community Board funding
The Ōtaki Community Board administers three grants. They're the Community Grant, Sporting Activity Grant, and the Building and Resource Consents Grant.
View information about these Grants and Application Forms.
The Paekākāriki Board administers two grants. They're the Paekākāriki Community Board Grant and Campe Estate Community Grant.
View information about these Grants and Application Forms.
The Paraparaumu Community Board administers one grant, the Discretionary Grants Fund.
View information about this Grant and the Application Form. -
The Raumati Community Board administers one grant, the Discretionary Grants Fund.
View information about this Grant and the Application Form. -
The Waikanae Community Board administers three grants. They're the Discretionary Grants Fund, Promotion Fund and Waikanae Capital Improvement Grant.
View information about these Grants and Application Forms.
Community grants scheme and Creative communities scheme
The Kāpiti Coast District Council sponsors many grants and funds for the Kāpiti Coast Community.
View information about Community funding and associated application forms.
Heritage fund
The Heritage Fund aims to assist and actively encourage landowners and members of the Kāpiti Coast community to manage, protect and enhance heritage features throughout the district. Find out more about the fund and criteria at Heritage fund.
The Major Events Fund supports major events in Kāpiti that will help deliver a thriving, vibrant and diverse economy. Find out more at Major events fund.
ThinkBIG Youth Council funding
Find out more at ThinkBIG grants.
- Request to appeal infringement offence notice [PDF 132 KB] (printable)
- Request to cancel infringement offence notice (online)
LIM reports
A Land Information Memorandum (LIM) will help property buyers and sellers, real estate agents, valuers and lawyers, lenders and insurers.
- LIM information sheet [PDF 507 KB]
- LIM application form (013) [PDF 209 KB]
- LIM application form (013) [DOCX 75 KB]
- Withdrawal of LIM Application – request for Fee Refund (printable) [PDF 131 KB]
- Withdrawal of LIM Application – request for Fee Refund [DOCX 76 KB]
Liquor/alcohol licensing
All brochures and application forms relating to liquor licensing are available online for download. See our Alcohol licences section for full details and requirements.
- Application for Planning and Building Certificates - Form 569 [PDF 148 KB]
- Application for On-Licence (new or renewal) – Form 3 [PDF 356 KB]
- Application for On-Licence (new or renewal - Form 3 [DOCX 95 KB]
- Application for Off-Licence (new or renewal) - Form 4 [PDF 263 KB]
- Application for Off-Licence (new or renewal) - Form 4 [DOCX 78 KB]
- Application for Club Licence (new or renewal - Form 5 [PDF 240 KB]
- Application for Club Licence (new or renewal - Form 5 [DOCX 77 KB]
- Declaration of Evacuation Scheme [PDF 146 KB]
- Application for Temporary Authority - Form 16 [PDF 215 KB]
- Application for Special Licence Form 6 - print and write [PDF 316 KB]
- Application for Special Licence Form 6 - type-in form [DOTX 358 KB]
- Temporary event application form [DOCX 134 KB]
- Application for Variation or Cancellation of Conditions of Licence - Form 14 [PDF 194 KB]
Managers' certificates
- Application for Manager's Certificate [PDF 251 KB]
- Application for Manager's Certificate [DOCX 175 KB]
- Application for Renewal of Manager's Certificate [PDF 214 KB]
- Application for Renewal of Manager's Certificate [DOCX 176 KB]
- Notice of Management Change – form 56 [PDF 142 KB]
- Notice of Management Change – form 56 [DOC 234 KB]
- Request to cancel infringement offence notice (online)
- Request to cancel infringement offence notice (download and print) [PDF 132 KB]
Rates (property and water)
- Direct debit application form for property and water rates [PDF 257 KB]
- Direct debit cancellation form for property and water rates [PDF 77 KB]
- Receive rates invoices by email [PDF 64 KB]
- One-off rates remission application form [DOCX 1.4 MB]
Rates inserts
- Long-term Plan 2021–41 update (Aug 2021) [PDF 250 KB]
Rates remissions
Under the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, Kāpiti Coast District Council may write off part or all of the rates subject to certain criteria being met. Find out more about what rates remissions and help with paying your rates is available.
Resource consents
Resource consent applications take 20 working days, provided all the necessary information is included and your proposed project does not need to be notified. See more information on Resource consents
Land use forms and checklists
- Resource consent application form (including fast track applications) [PDF 311 KB]
- Notice of written approval form [DOCX 202 KB]
- Applicants information checklist for resource consent [PDF 159 KB]
- Land use application guidelines [PDF 230 KB]
Subdivision forms and checklists
- Resource consent application form [PDF 311 KB]
- Resource consent written approval form - subdivision [DOCX 384 KB]
- Applicants information checklist for resource consent [PDF 159 KB]
- Subdivision application guidelines [PDF 146 KB]
- Bond application form [DOCX 70 KB]
- Bond application form [PDF 113 KB]
Temporary Event Application Form and Management Plan
Find out what you need to know about planning events on our Events page
- Temporary event application form and management plan [DOCX 134 KB]
Note: If an application does not contain all the necessary information, it will be returned for completion before processing begins.
Deemed Permitted Boundary Activities
- Application for a deemed permitted boundary activity [PDF 446 KB]
- Written approval form for a deemed permitted boundary activity (Form 8B) [PDF 176 KB]
Approval for a Deemed Permitted Marginal or Temporary Activity breach of a rule(s) in a Plan or National Environmental Standard
Note: There is no formal ability to apply for a marginal or temporary exemption notice and the Council has the discretion to approve or decline exemptions.
Approval for a yard encroachment (of a building)
To help you understand roading requirements on the Kāpiti Coast visit the Roads section.
- Road stopping application [DOCX 1.38 MB]
- Vehicle crossing application [DOCX 57 KB]
Subdivision and development
- As-built Drawing Checklist [DOCX 72 KB]
This checklist must be completed by a Developer's representative and submitted with As-built drawings.
- Land Development Minimum Requirements [PDF 7.23 MB]
This document is the latest guidance that sets out the minimum standards that the Council expects when infrastructure is designed and constructed to support any new development in the Kāpiti Coast district. It is based on the national standard ‘NZS:4404: 2010 Land development and subdivision infrastructure’ and includes local variations for the Kāpiti Coast. All surveyors, engineers, planners and contractors involved in the design and construction of infrastructure need to support land development and Council funded assets should be familiar with this document. - Subdivision and Development Principles and Requirements - Isohyet Based Calculation of Design Peakflows, 2011 [PDF 4.28 MB]
- Stormwater Guideline, 2012 [PDF 1.83 MB]
Low impact urban design and development (LUIDD) - Rainwater and Greywater Code of Practice Guidelines 2017
- Medium Density Housing Best Practice Guide [PDF 2.62 MB]
This guide seeks to inform best practice in the planning and design of medium density housing. - How to put nature into our neighbourhoods [PDF 3.13 MB]
A manual on the application of Low Impact Urban Design and Development (LIUDD) Principles, with a biodiversity focus, for New Zealand Developers and Homeowners. - The Streetscape Strategy and Guidelines [PDF 2.69 MB]
The Kāpiti Coast is a rapidly growing area. Increasing traffic, in terms of vehicular, pedestrian, and cycle, is creating an equally increasing need to ensure our streetscapes are safe, high-quality, and desirable for all users.
This document sets out the process and tools that will enable the Council to take a considered, comprehensive and coordinated approach to resolving competing and often conflicting interests in regards to streetscapes. - Standard Details and Specifications for Road Lighting [PDF 1.7 MB]
This standard serves as a basis of compliance for lighting projects carried out by the Kāpiti Coast District Council (‘the Council’) as part of its works programmes, as well as the subdivision and development of land where these activities are subject to the Resource Management Act.
Trade waste
The Trade Waste Bylaw 2019 took effect from 24 January 2019 and supersedes the former Trade Waste Bylaw 2007.
- Trade Waste Bylaw 2019
- Automotive Trade Waste Brochure [PDF 387 KB]
- Trade Waste Application [DOCX 67 KB]
Trading in public places
Find out more at Trading in public places.
- Trading in Public Place Application Form [DOCX 133 KB]
Waste collection and operation
Waste Collector's licence application (form 162) [PDF 425 KB]
This form is to be used when applying to undertake waste collection activities in the Kāpiti Coast District.
Waste Operator's licence (form 163) [PDF 357 KB]
This form is to be used when applying to Kāpiti Coast District Council to operate a waste management facility within the Kāpiti Coast District.
A wastewater alteration/connection form must be completed and submitted to Council prior to any work commencing.
- Wastewater supply connection/alteration form 165 [PDF 221 KB]
- Wastewater supply connection/alteration form 165 (online application)
Water conservation
- Kāpiti Rainwater and Greywater Guidelines 2017 [PDF 2.29 MB]
Water supply
- Application to take water from a dedicated filling point [PDF 135 KB]
- Water leak rates remission application form [DOCX 179 KB]
Apply for a new water supply connection or an alteration to existing water supply connection.
- Water supply connection/alteration form 159 [PDF 241 KB]
- Water supply connection/alteration form 159 (online application)
Apply for a new Commercial Fire Service or Fire Sprinkler Connection or an alteration to an existing Fire Protection Connection.
- Fire protection connection/alteration form 160 [PDF 254 KB]